Pursuant to issued a Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Construction Material Products in Lao PDR No. 0307/MoST, dated 01 March 2018. Certification of quality of construction material means formal implementation and issuance of quality certificates from organizations related to the management, inspection, and verification of the quality of construction material products. Moreover, Construction material products of individuals, legal entities and organizations that import, export and distribute in Lao PDR must be subject to inspection and verification of the quality of national, regional and international standards from the Department of Standardization and Metrology (DOSM) and Provincial DOSM.

Preparation for certifying the quality of construction material products as follows:
1. Proposal for a business owner;
2. Copy of the business document for construction material products;
3. Copy of the documents of construction material products which are produced, processed, imported, exported and sold in Lao PDR;
4. Certification of quality of imported construction material products (No later than 6 months from the date of issuance)

Preparation for consideration and approval of documents as follows:
1. Document for certification of construction material products will be considered 03 official days;
2. After completing the documents, inspecting the quality of construction materials in accordance with national, regional and international standards, and having obtained the verification, issuance of the certification of construction material products must not be exceeded 05 official days.
In addition, the certification of construction material products are legal documents and are only used once.

This decision is effective from March 01st,2018

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