Pursuant to Instruction on the Procedure of Issuance of Official Letter for Importing Materials, Equipments and Vehicles of International Organizations, Embassy and Official Development Assistance (ODA) No. 03516/CD, dated 31 May 2017. Duty Exemption and Suspension Division (DESD) receives and inspects documentation as required by the regulations. After all the documents are completed, DESD submits the documents to the document management unit in order to enter data via the E-office system and issue document to the contact person.

1. Consideration of official letter and temporary import document as follows:
After inspecting the document, DESD attaches the approval document such as the Decision of the Minister of Finance on the approval of import plan and related documents, the draft of an official letter or letter of warrantee for temporary import and submits to Director General of Customs Department for signature. Issuance of documents must not be exceeded 05 official days.

2. Consideration of request letter of a master list as follows:
After receiving a request letter of annual import plan, DESD must inspect the list of materials, equipment, spare parts, and machinery in order to be compliant with laws and regulations, then DESD concludes perspective technical solution brief report with attached economic-technical analysis, enterprise registration certificate, draft of Custom Department to Ministry of Finance report and draft of decision of the Minister of Finance on the approval of import plan in order to submit the attachment to Director General of Customs Department for signature. Issuance of documents must not be exceeded 05 official days and must be reported to the Ministry of Finance.

For more information, please contact Ministry of Finance, Department of Customs

Tel: (856 21) 213810, 223520, 2235224


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