Section 1 - Purpose and Scope for the application of the technical norm

Article 1. Objectives
Article 2. Scope for application
Article 3. Registration of animals
Article 4. Preparing for Animal Identification and Registration
Article 5. The documents related to the movement of Livestock
Article 6. Measures to be taken for violation of regulations
Article 7. Regulation on Livestock Transportation

Article 8. Procedures of Regulation for import permission
Article 9. Necessary documents for importation
Article 10. Role and duties of the veterinarians at the check post
Article 11. Determination of animal transport routes
Article 12. Cancellation of animal importation
Article 13. Import requirement for animal products
Article 14. Exportation of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs from LAO PDR

Article 15. Transit of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs through Lao PDR

Section 4 - Animal epidemic disease prevention and vaccination

Article 16. Determination of vaccine types
Article 17. Responsibilities of the owner of the animals
Article 18. Animal Vaccinations Certificate
Article 19. General principles for the control of the spread of epidemic diseases
Article 20. Reporting system for epidemic diseases
Article 21. Declaration of epidemic zone
Article 22. Cancellation of epidemic zone
Article 23. Principles for controlling some infectious diseases

Section 5 - Slaughter of animal and Meat inspection

Article 24. General provisions
Article 25. Permission, designation and construction of slaughterhouses
Article 26. Minimum technical requirements for the establishment of slaughter houses
Article 27. Inspection of animals before slaughter (Ante-mortem examination)
Article 28. Determination of slaughter method, hygiene and selling of meat
Article 29. In the case of an infectious disease being before slaughter
Article 30. In the case of an infectious disease being found in the slaughterhouse
Article 31. In the case of other infectious diseases
Article 32. In case of cystic meat
Article 33. Slaughtering practices in slaughter points
Article 34. For ink and stamps
Article 35. Practices for carcasses affected by severe infectious disease
Article 36. Delivery note for meat, meat products and offal
Article 37. Slaughtering animals for traditional ceremonies
Article 38. Smuggling of slaughtered animals

Section 6 - Standard for selection and marking animals to conserve as breeding stocks

Article 39. Determination of local breed conservation areas
Article 40. Selection of animals to conserve as breeding stock

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry        No. 0313/MAF

Decision of the Minister

To issue the technical norms concerning management of livestock and its products in Lao PDR.

  • Pursuant to the Decree of the prime minister office on organization and activities of MAF No.89/PMO, dated 22 June 1999.
  • Pursuant to the letter of Department of Livestock and Fisheries No.0022/DLF, dated 18 January 2000.
  • Pursuant to the comment of Department of Personnel of MAF.

The Ministry of agriculture and Forestry makes decisions:

Article 1: Issue the technical norm concerning management of livestock and Livestock products in Lao PDR

Article 2: The Department of Livestock and Fisheries is responsible for co-ordinating with the Provincial Agriculture Forestry Office, Municipal Agriculture and Forestry Office and Special zones for the effective implementation of the concerned activities.

Article 3: This decision shall come in to force from the date of signature.                  

Vientiane, 20 January 2000

                                                Minister for Agriculture and Forestry
Siene  Saphangthong 

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF)         Ref No. 0036/DLF


  • Referring to the Agreement on Organization and Role of DLF No.1397/MAF, dated 28 July 1997.
  • Referring to the Regulation on livestock management in Lao PDR No.0004/MAF and instructions No. 0005/MAF dated on 2nd January 1997.
  • Referring to the Decisions to approve the technical norms on livestock Management in Lao PDR No. 0313/MAF dated on 20th January 2000.

   For the effective implementation based on the role and responsibility of DLF outlined in the Agreement and in order to introduce the livestock management into the legislative system step by step, the Director general of Department of Livestock and Fisheries has issued the notification to use the technical norms on livestock management in Lao PDR  in detail as below:

I . This technical norm consist of:

  1. Content  75 pages
  2. Definition  8 pages
  3. Forms :  50 forms

II. In order to make this technical norm a tool to provide technical knowledge as well as a guidance for the staff both at central and local level improve the work under their responsibility and public services, DLF propose that all staff should study more and understand this technical norm better and then correctly apply it routinely and successfully in their work.

III. During implementation of this technical norm some constraints may be found. Therefore DLF requests the cooperation from user in order to report regularly to DLF about whether any advantage or disadvantages as needed. 

Vientiane, January 24, 2000

Director General 
Singkham Phonvisay

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry      Ref No. 0313/MAF 
Department of Livestock and Fisheries    Ref No. 0036/DLF

Technical Norms on
Livestock and Livestock Products Management in Lao PDR

  • Pursuant to the Law on Agriculture.
  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister Decree on Livestock Management in Lao PDR No.85/PMO dated on 31/05/1993.
  • Pursuant to the Regulation on Livestock Management in Lao PDR No.0004/MAF and its instructions No.0005/MAF dated on 02/01/1997.

Section 1
Purpose and Scope for the application of the technical norm

Article 1. Objectives

The objectives of these Technical Norms are to provide the same technical criteria for overall use within the country on the monitoring of the implementation of the Prime Minister Decree and the MAF regulation on livestock management in Lao PDR. Top

Article 2. Scope for application

This technical norm applies to every organization, related agencies, individual persons or juridical persons that carry out business in relation to Livestock, Livestock products, feed and veterinary drugs in Lao PDR. Top

Section 2
Identification and Registration of animals

Article 3. Registration of animals

The registration of animal should be practiced according to Article 3 of section 2 of the regulation on livestock management in Lao PDR No.0004/MAF and its instructions No.0005/ MAF dated on 02/01/1997.

  1. Identifying marks or numbers:

Identifying marks that can be used are plastic or aluminum ear-tags or branding on the upper back-legs of an animal as appropriate according to the local conditions. The identifying numbers branded on each animal have two types of information as follows:

  • The indicative number for the origin of an animal should be the official Code of the Province, District and Village. It will be branded of the left side of an animal’s body.
  • Identification numbers for individual animal will be branded on the right side of an animal. The registration card should have identification numbers as follows:
    • No 1           meaning           Cattle
    • No 2           meaning           Buffalo
    • No 3           meaning           Elephant
    • No 4           meaning           Horse
    • No 5           meaning           Mule                                       
    • No 6           meaning           Donkey
  • Own numbers may be used as animal identification numbers for state stations, farmed animals belonging to a private enterprise or an individual person that practice livestock business under the supervision of the District’s Livestock and Fisheries Center or of an appointed official.  The identification of the farmed livestock should avoided using the same identifying marks of common household livestock.
  1. Observations of special marks:

Determining individual special phenotype characters as follows:

  1. Horns (Short, symmetrical curved, large, others...)
  2. Fore head   (White crest, others)
  3. Crest (locality of crest in forehead .....)
  4. Legs (………)
  5. Feet (White, .......)
  6. Color (yellow, red, black, white....)
  1. Transfer of ownership:

The transfer of ownership should be done with VVW, following certification by the chief of the village. When transfer of ownership has been completed VVW or the appointed person should report to the District’s Livestock and Fisheries Center.  Every time an animal is moved to another village of another district the new owner of the animal should report to VVW and to the village authority at the destination and then the VVW should further notify the Livestock and Fisheries Center within 15 days. Top

Article 4. Preparing for Animal Identification and Registration

Animals owner should notify the number of his/her animals to the chief of the village or appointed person for statistical data collection 3 to 7 days prior to a district livestock and fisheries officer or appointed officer is due to come to do the registration of the animal.

The certification and approval of animal registrations should be according to Article 5, section 2 of the MAF regulation on Livestock management in LAO PDR No 0004 dated 02/01/1997. Top

Section 3
The movement of Livestock and Livestock products, animal feed and veterinary drugs within the country

Article 5. The documents related to the movement of Livestock and Livestock products, animal feed and veterinary drugs within the country. In order to ensure unified use of the same documentation system overall in the country, DLF has designed several forms for the movement of Livestock and its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs as follows:

  • Registration card based on approval form C001 specified in article 3 of these technical norms.
  • Health certificate  based on approval form C002 specified in article 5 of these technical norms.
  • Zoo-sanitary certificate based on approval form C003 specified in article 5 of these technical norms.
  • Vaccination certificate based on approval form C004 specified in article 18 of these technical norms.
  • Transfer of ownership based on the form of the village authority.
  • Movement permit of Livestock and its products based on approval form C005 specified in article 5 of these technical norms. Top

Article 6. Measures to be taken for violation of regulations on the movement of animals and animal products, animal feed and veterinary drugs. The owner of an animal or animal holders who intend to move animals through a veterinary checkpoint or through a District Livestock and Fisheries Center should declared the related documents as described in article 6 of regulation No 0004/MAF dated 20th January 1997 to the veterinary check point.  If any violation is found, the veterinary officer must be take the following measures:

  1. In the case of some document being missing or incomplete:

When removing livestock from a Veterinary check post or control, the animal owner shall present the documents as specified in article 6 of this regulation. If the documents are incomplete or improper, the veterinary authority has the right to

  • Detain the animals or animal products
  • Recommend the owner or holder to contact the district place of origin to supply any missing documents completely in order to continue the movement of the animal or animal product.
  1. In the case of proper documents being available but the movement is found to be through an unauthorized check point:
  • Detain the animals or animal products
  • Investigate the reasons and official record of the details  in the daily note book;
  • Educate/Warning or apply a fine/penalty as appropriate (as determined according to the punishment chapter/part);
  • Allow the movement through to the defined route.
  1. The case of an inspector finding that there are no documents available or incomplete documentation or in the case of avoiding passing through a designated check point, will be deemed as illegal according to article 8 of the regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Number 0004/MAF, dated 02/01/97 and the veterinary authority should act as below:
  • Retain the animal or animal products or veterinary drugs;
  • Record the detail of the detention for further legal resolution (the standard form of record is issued accordingly);
  • Charge a fee of 5,000 LAK/time for the recording.
  1. Payment for the detention of animals including, a fee for taking care of the animals, feeding, vaccination and treatment will be the responsibility of the animal owner or holder. Top

Article 7. Regulation on Livestock Transportation

In order to effectively prevent epizootic diseases and to ensure that animal transportation conforms with good operating standards, prior and after transportation, the owner must pay attention to the following instructions:

  1. Prior to transportation
  1. In the case of transportation by vehicles (car, train, boat, airplane)
  • Vehicles for transportation of cattle and buffalos must have a hard wood fence at the back of the animals for about 1.60 m in order to prevent the animals from jumping out of the vehicle.  For vehicles that transport calves and swine must be arranged in separated pens or blocks or be built with flooring of appropriate size, which is commensurate to the size of the vehicle.  In the case of a design with many floors in one vehicle, it must be ensured that waste is prevented from falling down onto the floor below and that enough fresh air circulates in the vehicle by having air-holes on the walls of the vehicle at a height of at least 20-30 cm or about 1.5 times a finger span from the floor. Before loading any animals [the cabin] must be disinfected by a veterinarian who is responsible for animal movements or by an authorized officer at district or provincial level, at the same time the vehicle must be checked to ensure that it is in good condition, without any sharp objects or holes on the floor of vehicle. In addition, the floor must be covered with straw, rice husk, wood husk or other substance to prevent animals slipping.
  • Prior to loading, the veterinarian who is responsible for animal movements or the responsible authority at district or provincial level must check the health status and number of animals, then record the status of the animals’ health, their number as well as any clinical signs in the document. This is to make sure that the number of animals is correct and in good health ready for transportation.
  • A load of animals may be fenced in blocks or tied as appropriate in whatever way that ensures the safety of the animals, in the case of cattle and buffalos the head of the animal may be tied to the fence of the vehicle and they should be arranged in two lines (hip to hip) along the length of the vehicle. The area for one animal is about 0.6-1.0 m or according to the actual size of the animal (big or small) local cattle or small buffalos may be allowed a free space of approximately 0.4-0.8 m2 per animal in the designated block. Pigs may be allowed a free space of approximately 0.4-0.6 m2 per pig in separate pens.  However the veterinarian must carefully check prior to issuing permission for the movement.
  • When transferring an animal to a slaughterhouse for slaughtering it must not be forced or oppressed by any method that could affect animal health or meat quality.
  • After the animal is checked it must be stamped or marked with a symbol on the body of the animal and then a steel wire seal [must be affixed] in close position of the back door of vehicle (in the case of using a car as transport vehicle). This is to prevent the animal being replaced during the transportation. Besides this, for each transportation, a clear symbol (the same symbol applied to the animals) must be shown in the documents.
  1. In case of transporting animals by walking
  • Prior to transportation, a veterinarian or the responsible unit must check carefully the health of the animal, the actual number of animals and all documents related. The check should be completed together with the animals and be consistent with article 5 of this technical norm. 
  • Animal owners or holders must move their animals along the route designated by the relevant veterinary inspector.
  1. Good transportation practice during transportation.
  • Transportation of animals should be done in the morning or at a time when the temperature is lower.  It is not recommended that an animal should be transported at a temperature higher than 38oC.
  • During transportation it must be ensured that no waste is left behind such as feces, animal urine or other waste dropped from the vehicle on to the road.   In order to prevent diseases, any removal of animals or animal products from one vehicle to another is prohibited.
  • In the case where it is necessary to change the vehicle, this must be checked by a veterinarian in order to give permission before changing the vehicle prior to further transportation.
  • In the case of any animal becoming sick or dying during transportation [the provisions of] article 9 of the regulation of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.: 0004/MAF, dated 02/01/97 must be strictly followed.
  1. After transportation

When animals arrive at destination the instructions below should be followed:

  • The owner of the animal should bring their animal to the area designated by a veterinarian. The owner of the animal may release their animal after arrival, but the owner of the animal must inform the village administration and the veterinarian immediately (if there is a delay in reporting this must not be more than 48 hours after transportation).
  • The veterinary inspector should carefully check all the documents which are company the transportation (as detailed at article 6 of regulation No.: 0004/MAF, dated 02/01/97).
  • The veterinary inspector should check the animal’s health, and whether the exact number of animals together with the symbol in the documents and on the animals are correct.
  • In the case of any animal being found to have become weak or having been injured due to the transportation such weak or injured animal should be isolated for further observation and treatment.
  • The veterinary inspector should take a note/record list of the animals in their book (in the case of transport animals for rearing).
  • After each transportation a vehicle must be cleaned and disinfected and other waste such as rice husk, wood husk, feces, etc. should be destroyed or disposed of by burying or burning and it must be ensured that there will not be any emission into rivers, streams, canals, ponds that can become reservoirs for propagating agents of animal diseases. Top

Importation of Livestock,
its products, animal feeds and veterinary products

Article 8. Procedures of Regulation for import permission

  • Official application form R001 should be submitted at least 15 days before importation.
  • The import regulation of the Ministry of Trade and Tourism, Ministry of Finance should be followed and the necessary documents specified in article 9 of these technical norms should be submitted.
  • Every animal should be detained for not more than 15 days in an official place for control before selling, rearing or slaughtering (Rules of detention for control shall be specified in the rules of the quarantine station). For poultry imported for selling, rearing in the country the places (farm, center, station) should be notified, to allow easier monitoring by veterinary authority, if needed at a later date.
  • In the case of animals imported for breeding [the provisions of] article 12.3 of MAF regulation on Livestock management No 0004 dated 02/01/1997 should be followed. Top

Article 9. Necessary documents for importation

A person, who intends to import livestock, livestock products, animal feed or veterinary drugs, should submit the necessary document such as:

a.) For Livestock and its products

  • In the case of animals imported for breeding, after completing the documents [specified at] article 8 of these technical norms, an additional import permit from DLF should be requested.
  • In the case of animals imported for fattening purpose an import permit from the Provincial, Municipal or Special Zone Agriculture Forestry Department should be obtained, but [the importation] should be reported officially to DLF not more than 7 days after each arrival.
  • Animal health and zoo-sanitary certificates certified by a reliable veterinary authority from the exporting country should be submitted and these documents should be written in French or English.
  • A vaccination certificate from the country of origin as specified at article 16 of these technical norms should be submitted.
  • [The importer] should have a genetic record book or animal pedigree certified by the responsible authority from the country of origin.

b.) For animal feed and veterinary drugs

  1. For animal feed
  • Import application form R.004 prescribed by DLF should be submitted before importation.
  • [The importer] should have a quality certificate issued by the responsible authority from the country of origin or manufacture. The document should show feed ingredients (protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, moisture, fibers), date of manufacture and expiry. Feed importer should submit feed samples to the national animal feed laboratory for analysis at least 15 days before each importation.
  • The import of animal feed should meet the standards defined in the technical requirements book for animal feed production 1996 of the National animal feed laboratory.
  • It is prohibited to import low quality feed.
  1. For veterinary drug
  • Import application form R.005 outlined by DLF and a product license from the authority of the exporting or manufacturing country should be submitted. The document should clearly show the name of the medicine, ingredients, uses, size of container, dosage, colour of medicine and date of manufacture and expiry. An importer of veterinary drugs should submit drug samples to the laboratory of Food and Drugs Center (M.O.H.) for analysis at least 15 days before each importation.

c.) Persons who intend to import livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs, after completing the above documents, should apply for additional necessary documents relating other sectors such as: Investment permit ( For foreigners ) from PMO, business operation permit from Ministry of Trade and Tourism, tax registration from the Ministry of Finance and other documents. Top

Article 10. Role and duties of the veterinarians at the check post

The main duty [of a veterinarian] is to apply veterinary measures in order to prevent or limit epidemic diseases by controlling the movement of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs, as detailed in the sections follow:

Observe and examine livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs during transport at the check post according to section 3 of the MAF regulation on Livestock management in Lao PDR.

  • In the case of animals being sick or showing clinical symptoms of any infectious disease or having died [the provisions of] article 9 and article 13 of the MAF regulation on livestock management N0 004 dated 02/01/1997 should be followed.
  • In the case of sick animals having been proven to be affected by an infectious disease, all other animals from the group should be detained in quarantine for at least 15 days for examination, treatment and vaccination. After the animals are found to be in good health, the head of the check post will issue a health certificate and will allow the animals to move on.
  • Strictly control the status of epidemic diseases in their responsible locality by coordinating regularly with the concerned DAFO or Provincial, Municipal or Special Zone agriculture and forestry department. Research data about epidemic diseases from other regions in the country and abroad.
  • Control the illegal movement of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs in violation of section 3 of the MAF regulation on livestock management in LAO PDR.  The head of the check post has the right to detain the evidence and submit the wrongful matter to the authority concerned in accordance with the rules of the laws and procedures of the country.
  • Summarize and evaluate all activities and report regularly to their concerned authority following the strict and effective use of policy and regulations. Top

Article 11. Determination of animal transport routes

The head of the animal check post should determine the transport routes referring to the status of epidemic diseases and routes in those areas. Top

Article 12. Cancellation of animal importation

The Director General of DLF may order a total ban on the importation of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs, if, in his opinion, importation would create an excessive risk for animal herds and consumers in the country.

  • In the case where there is any epidemic disease in the exporting country during the transport of those animals and the problem is not yet satisfactorily resolved or approval [has been granted].
  • In the case of the head of the animal check post having reported that symptoms of infectious disease have been found with imported animals.
  • For animal feed and veterinary drugs, if their quality does not meet the standard specified in the certificate of the country origin or manufacture. Top

Article 13. Import requirement for animal products

DLF issue the rules on the importation of livestock products such as: meats, skins, bones, milk and others as follows:

a.) Import meat for consumption

  1. Raw meat or meat products
  • Meat prior to import could be a whole carcass, a half or a quarter of a carcass. In the case of cuts in small pieces they should be packed following hygienic principles, with labeling indicating weight, price, type of meat, plant, date of packaging.
  • A zoo-sanitary certificate should be examined by the Food and Drugs Center and the products should be certified free from infectious diseases dangerous for consumers.

b). Import meat products not for consumption such as: bones, hooves, skins and others

  • Should be disinfected with formalin 10-15%.
  • The zoo-sanitary certificate should be examined by the diagnostic laboratory and the products should be certified free from infectious disease transmitted from animal to human.

c). DLF will determine any other meat products which will be notified for each period of time. Top

Article 14. Exportation of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs from LAO PDR

DLF has outlined the rules and procedures for permission to export livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs from LAO PDR as follows:

  • Completed documents required by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and tourism and country of importer should be submitted.
  • The exporter should submit export application form R 002 to DLF or provincial, Municipal or special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office at least 15 days before exportation.
  • Before packaging, livestock products may be inspected closely by an appointed veterinarian and the exporter may present such document at the export check post.
  • DLF or Provincial, Municipal or special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office may order the cancellation of an animal exportation from LAO PDR, if it is in violation of section 6 of MAF regulation on livestock management No.0004 dated 02/01/1997. Top

Transit of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs

Article 15. Transit of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs through Lao PDR

Permission for transportation of livestock, its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs via Lao PDR to the 3rd country should be done as follows:

  • After submitting an application to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Trade and Tourism, an application should be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry at least 15 days before transportation with form R 003.
  • [The provisions of] article 18 of MAF regulation on livestock management No 0004 dated 02/01/1997 should be followed.
  • During transport through Lao PDR the rules of transportation [detailed at] article 7 of these technical norms should be followed.
  • The head of an animal check post may order the cancellation of a transport in the case of symptoms of a severe infectious disease being found. Top

Section 4
Animal epidemic disease prevention and vaccination

Article 16. Determination of vaccine types

By referring to epidemiological data and to the strategy on control and prevention of epidemic disease or future reduction and eradication of severe infectious diseases, DLF determines the necessary vaccine types for species of animals and for several provinces in the table below:

Types of vaccines

Species of animals


- Hemorrhagic Septicemia

- Swine fever

- Rabies

- Duck plague and Fowl cholera

- Newcastle, Fowl cholera

Cattle / Buffalo



Duck,  Goose

Poultry,  Turkey

Nation wide


  1. Vientiane Municipality, Vientiane, Champasack, Savannakhet and Khammouane provinces could be vaccinated against Anthrax.
  2. Savannakhet, Khammouane, Xiengkhouang and Houaphanh provinces could be vaccinated against Blackleg.
  3. This article will be modified according to the status of epidemic diseases for each period of time. Top

Article 17. Responsibilities of the owner of the animals

  • The owner of the animals shall pay a fee to the veterinarian for each animal vaccination.
  • Provincial, Municipal or Special zone Agriculture Forestry Office will determine the vaccination fees for each type of vaccine in compliance with the socio-economic status of the locality and shall further report to DLF. Top

Article 18. Animal Vaccinations Certificate

  • DLF designed vaccination certificate form C004 for use in the whole country.
  • Each vaccination certificate should have a place for official stamp of DAFO. Top

Article 19. General principles for the control of the spread of epidemic diseases

DLF outlines the technical norms as measures for the prevention, treatment or destruction of animal corpses as below:

  1. It is forbidden to move sick or dead animals from their place and to remove parts for investigation.
  2. Sick animal should be moved to a suitable place for treatment and the remaining healthy animals in the surrounding zone of the epidemic of a 5km radius should be vaccinated.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to move livestock and their products in or out of the epidemic zone.
  4. The animal corpse should be burned or buried in a pit with the upper part of the corpse at least 1m deep from the soil level and covered 0.5m above it. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of a corpse in rivers, lakes or streams.
  5. Infective microorganisms should be destroyed with disinfectants such as: lime, formalin or other disinfectants.
  6. If a responsible veterinarian cannot examine an animal corpse within 24 hours after the death of the animal, the owner of the animal should follow [the provisions of] article No 4.
  7. In the case of a dead animal by unknown owner [the provisions of] article 24 No 3 of MAF regulation on livestock management in LAO PDR No 0004 dated 02/01/1997 should be followed.

1. Surveillance period for some infectious diseases


Name of disease

incubation period

Observation and examination for cancellation of epidemic zone








Hemorrhagic septicemia




Swine fever


Fowl cholera

1 day

2-3 days

1 day

2 days

3 days

4 days

2-5  days

30 days

14 days

14 days

21 days

12 days

12 days

14   days


Article 20. Reporting system for epidemic diseases

In order to implement measures to stop the spread of epidemic diseases in time, DLF outlines the principle of reporting of epidemic diseases additionally as follows:

  • In the case of a dead or sick animal showing similar clinical symptoms that do not show clearly whether the animal is affected by one of the epidemic diseases specified at article 21 of these technical norms, the owner of the animal or persons witnessing the events shall notify the village veterinary worker (VVW) or chief of the village not more than 48 hours after observation of the sick or dead animal.
  • The VVW or the chief of the village will notify the case to the whole village and the closest localities, and will at the same time coordinate with the livestock and fisheries center for determining the measures to control, treat or destroy the animal corpses. Top

Article 21. Declaration of epidemic zone

The [management of an] epidemic zone should be according to article 24 of MAF regulation on livestock management in Lao PDR No.0004 dated 02/01/1997. These technical norms detail some additional measures as follows:

  • Declaration of an epidemic zone when getting reports of animals having died of a severe infectious disease such as: Anthrax, Blackleg, Hemorrhagic septicemia, FMD and Swine fever.
  • Determination of an epidemic zone whose radius is not more than 5km from the place where the outbreak of the disease is found and the species of animal and name of infectious disease are clearly reported. Top

Article 22. Cancellation of epidemic zone

The provincial governor shall declare the status of an epidemic zone cancelled by reference to the request submitted by the director of a provincial, Municipal or special zone Agriculture and Forestry office.

  • The status of epidemic zone is revoked when the last sick animal becomes of good health and 30 days are reached without any animal becoming sick.
  • The remaining animals are both treated and vaccinated. Top

Article 23. Principles for controlling some infectious diseases

  1. Anthrax 
  • Infected Animal:

Animal are proven to be affected by anthrax when they clearly show all clinical symptoms of anthrax.

  • Suspicious infected Animal:

Suspicious sick animals affected by anthrax are those infected in the incubation period, but do not show apparent clinical symptoms, after autopsy and examination of the lesions of anthrax are found and confirmed by diagnostic laboratory.

  • Suspicious Animals at Risk:

Suspicious animals affected by anthrax are those in the same group of affected animals that have yet not been vaccinated and that have been newly introduced in the epidemic zone.

  • Duties of the authorities concerned
  • The owner of the animal or persons witnessing the events shall notify the VVW or the chief of the village within 24 hours.
  • VVW or chief of the village shall report the case to Livestock and Fisheries Center for controlling and coordinating with the VVW and the chief of the village to examine, evaluate the status of the epidemic disease, separate sick animals for treatment and destroy animal corpses and their waste.
  • The Livestock and Fisheries center shall further notify the provincial Livestock and Fisheries section and the DLF to determine measures for preventing or stopping the spread of an epidemic disease outbreak.
  • Provincial Livestock and Fisheries shall report the case to the provincial governor to request a declaration of epidemic zone.
  • Restriction and Ban
  1. It is strictly forbidden to move a sick or dead animal from the rearing area and to open the animal corpse.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to move livestock and its products in or out of the epidemic zone.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of animal corpses in lakes, streams and rivers. Corpses should be burned or buried in a deep pit with the upper part of the corpse being at least 1m deep from the soil level and the pit should be covered 0.5m above soil level.
  • Area of restrictions

An epidemic zone should be designated to have a radius of no more than 5 km in the locality where Anthrax is found.

  • Prevention and treatment
  1. Treatment

One of the types of antibiotics below should be used:

  • Penicillin injection IM 20,000-40,000 unit/kg animal live weight;
  • Streptomycin injection IM 20mg/kg animal live weight;
  • Oxytetracycline ( OTC )injection IM 10ml/kg animal live weight;
  • Chloramphenical injection IM 15ml/kg animal live weight.
  1. Prevention
  • Separate sick animals from the herd for treatment and restrain their movements;
  • Observe and examine the health of animals regularly;
  • For animals reared in the area of an epidemic zone within a 5km radius should be vaccinated against anthrax disease;
  • In the locality where anthrax is present. Cattle and buffalos at least 6 months olds should be vaccinated against anthrax. Do not vaccinate pregnant animals.
  • Cancellation of restrictions

After the last sick animal becomes in good health and 14 days are reached without any animal becoming sick an epidemic zone shall be cancelled.

  1. Hemorrhagic septicemia (H.S)
  • Infected Animal:

Animals proven to be affected by H.S are those that show clearly all clinical symptoms of H.S.

  • Suspicious infected Animal:

Suspicious sick animals affected by H.S are those infected in the incubation period, but that do not show apparent clinical symptoms, after death and autopsy and examination the lesions of H.S are found and confirmed by diagnostic lab.

  • Suspicious Animal at Risk:

Suspicious animals affected by H.S are those in the same group as the affected animals or not yet vaccinated and newly introduced in the epidemic zone.

  • Duties of the authorities concerned
  • Animals’ owner or person witnessing the events shall notify the VVW or chief of the village within 24 hours.
  • The VVW or the chief of the village shall report the case to the Livestock and Fisheries Center for controlling and coordinating with the VVW and chief of the village to examine, evaluate the status of the epidemic disease, separate the sick animal for treatment and destroy animal corpses and their waste.
  • The Livestock and Fisheries center shall further notify the provincial Livestock and Fisheries section and the DLF to determine measures of prevention and stop the spread of the epidemic disease outbreak.
  • The Provincial Livestock and Fisheries section shall report the case to the provincial governor to request declaration of the epidemic zone.
  • Restriction and ban
  1. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of animal corpses in lakes, streams and rivers. The corpse should be burned or buried in a deep pit with the upper part of the corpse being at least 1m deep from the soil level and the pit should be covered 0.5m above the soil level.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to move a sick or dead animal from the rearing area and to open the animal corpse.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to move livestock and its products in or out of the epidemic zone.
  • Area of restrictions

An epidemic zone should be designated to have a radius of no more than 5 km in the locality where Hemorrhagic Septicemia is found.

  • Prevention and treatment
  1. Treatment

One of the types of antibiotics below should be used:

  • Streptomycin injection IM 20mg/kg animal live weight;
  • Oxytetracycline ( OTC )injection IM 10ml/kg animal live weight;
  • Chloramphenical injection IM 15ml/kg animal live weight;
  1. Prevention
  • Separate sick animals from the herd for treatment and restrain their movements
  • Observe and examine the health of animals regularly
  • Animals reared in the area of an epidemic zone within a 5km radius should be vaccinated against Hemorrhagic Septicemia disease
  • In the locality where Hemorrhagic Septicemia is present, Cattle and buffalos at least 6 months olds should be vaccinated against Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
  • Cancellation of restrictions

After the last sick animal becomes of good health and 14 days are reached without any animal becoming sick the epidemic zone shall be cancelled.

  1. Blackleg
  • Infected Animal:

Animals proven to be affected by Blackleg are those that clearly show all clinical symptoms of Blackleg.

  • Suspected Animal:

Suspicious sick animals infected by Blackleg are those in incubation period, but that do not show apparent clinical symptoms, after death and autopsy and examination the lesions of Blackleg are found and confirmed by diagnostic laboratory.

  • Duties of the authorities concerned
  • Animal owner or persons witnessing the events shall notify to VVW or the chief of the village within 24 hours.
  • The VVW or the chief of the village shall report the case to the District Livestock and Fisheries Center for controlling, coordinating with the VVW and the chief of the village to examine, evaluate the status of epidemic disease, separate sick animal for treatment and destroy animal corpses and their waste.
  • The Livestock and Fisheries Center shall further notify the provincial livestock and fisheries section and the DLF to determine measures to prevent or stop the spread of the epidemic diseases outbreak.
  • The Provincial livestock and fisheries shall report the case to the provincial governor to request a declaration of epidemic zone.
  • Areas of restrictions

An epidemic zone shall be designated to have a radius of no more than 5 km of the locality where Blackleg is found.

  • Treatment and prevention
  1. Treatment:

The animal will die quickly if it is not treated promptly. If the owner of the animal acts promptly, the treatment should be a penicillin injection, with a dosage of 3 million Units IM, in the swollen area repeated every 6 to 8 hours within 48 hours.

  1. Prevention
  • Separate sick animal from the herd for treatment and restrain their movement.
  • Monitor and examine regularly the health of animals.
  • Animals reared in the area of an epidemic zone of a 5 km radius should be vaccinated against Blackleg.
  • In the locality where Blackleg is present, cattle, buffalo at least 6 months old should be vaccinated against this disease before the rainy season and an immunity period of one year has expired.
  • Cancellation of restriction

After the last sick animal becomes of good health and 14 days are reached with no animal becoming sick the epidemic zone shall be cancelled.

  1. Swine fever
  • Infected Animal:

Pigs proven to be affected by swine fever are those that clearly show clinical symptoms of swine fever.

  • Suspected Animal:

Suspicious sick pigs infected by swine fever are those that do not show apparent clinical symptoms, but the result of a diagnosis confirms swine fever.

  • Animal at Risk:

Suspicious pigs affected by swine fever are those in the same group as affected pigs or not yet vaccinated and newly introduced in the area just exposed to swine fever.

  • Duties of the authorities concerned:
  • The owner of the animal or person witnessing the events shall notify the VVW or the chief of the village within 24 hours.
  • The VVW or the chief of the village shall report the case to the district livestock and fisheries center for controlling, coordinating with VVW and the chief of the village to examine and evaluate the status of epidemic disease, separate sick pigs for treatment and destroy animal corpses and their waste.
  • The Livestock and fisheries center shall further report the case to the Provincial livestock and fisheries section and to the DLF for determining measures to prevent and stop the spread of the epidemic diseases outbreak.
  • The Provincial livestock and fisheries section shall report the case to the provincial governor to request a declaration of epidemic zone.
  • Restrictions
  1. It is forbidden to move sick or dead pigs from rearing places;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to move pigs and their products contaminated by swine fever in or out of an epidemic zone.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of animal corpses in lakes, streams, rivers. Animal corpses should be burned or buried in a deep pit with the upper part of corpse being at least 1m deep from soil level.
  • Area of restrictions:

An epidemic zone should be designated as having a radius of no more than 5km in the locality where swine fever is found.

  • Prevention:
  • Clean drinking water and good quality feed according to the need of the pigs should be provided.
  • Pig pens and their surroundings should be regularly cleaned.
  • The health of pigs should be regularly observed and examined.
  • Pigs at least 2.5 month old should be vaccinated and after their immunity period of one year has expired.
  • Cancellation of restrictions:

After the last sick pig is of good health and 12 days have been reached without any pig becoming sick the epidemic zone shall be cancelled

5.   Foot and Mouth Disease

  • Infected Animal:

Animals proven to be affected by FMD are those that show apparent clinical symptoms of FMD.

  • Suspected Animal:

Suspected sick animals infected by FMD are those have wound lesions or blisters in the mouth, feet, udder and salivation but do not show apparent clinical symptoms and the result of blood analysis is confirmed as FMD.

  • Animal at Risk:

Suspicious animals affected by FMD are those in the same group of affected animal or that are not yet vaccinated and newly introduced in the epidemic zone.

  • Duties of the authorities concerned
  • The owner of the animal or person witnessing the events shall notify the VVW or the chief of the village within 24 hours.\
  • The VVW or the chief of the village shall report the case to the district livestock and fisheries center for controlling and coordinating with them to examine and evaluate the status of the epidemic disease, separate sick animals for treatment and destroy animal corpses and their waste.
  • The Livestock and fisheries center shall further report to the provincial livestock and fisheries section and to the DLF for determining measures to prevent and stop the spread of an epidemic disease outbreak.
  • The Provincial livestock and fisheries section shall report the case to the provincial governor to request a declaration of epidemic zone.
  • Restrictions
  1. It is forbidden to move sick animals from their rearing place.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to move animals and their products contaminated by FMD in or out of the epidemic zone.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to dispose of animal corpses in lakes, streams, rivers. Corpses should be burned or buried in a deep pit with the upper part of corpse being at least 1m deep from the soil level.
  • Area of restrictions

An epidemic zone should be designated as having a radius of no more than 5km from the locality where FMD is found.

  • Treatment and prevention
  1. Treatment:

The treatment is focused on disinfection of the infecting bacteria, apply disinfectants on the mouth sores (Methylene Blue, vinegar, lemon), use formalin 3% to wash the feet and keep animals in a clean and dry place. In severe cases antibiotic injection IM or IV may be used.

  1. Prevention
  • Separate sick animals from their herd and then treat them and limit their movements.
  • Observe and examine regularly the health of animals.
  • Cancellation of restrictions:

After the last sick animal in the epidemic zone becomes of good health and 21 days are reached without any animal becoming sick the epidemic zone shall be cancelled. Top

Section 5
Slaughter of animal and Meat inspection

Article 24. General provisions

No person or any group of persons is allowed to slaughter, dress, de-bone animals such as cattle, buffalo, pig, sheep, goat and dog anywhere.  Suitable technical requirement apply to establishments approved as slaughterhouses or slaughter points by the DLF or the provincial, municipal or special zone agriculture and forestry office. Top

Article 25. Permission, designation and construction of slaughterhouses

  • A person or group of persons intending to establish a slaughterhouse or slaughter point shall be issued permission by the DLF or the Provincial, Municipal and Special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office according to the following procedures :
  • For a slaughterhouse application form T.001 shall be submitted to DLF.
  • For a slaughter point application form T. 001 shall be submitted to the Provincial, Municipal and Special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office.
  • Necessary documents
  • Project document;
  • Socio-economic feasibility study and environment impact assessment;
  • Construction plan;
  • Plan of the area of the slaughter house and its surroundings;
  • The DLF or Provincial, Municipal or Special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office shall issue a certificate of Technical requirements for a slaughter house or slaughter point if the person or group of persons has complied with the requirements of Article 25 of these technical norms.
  • The necessary documents for permission, design and construction of a slaughter house are outlined by the concerned Ministry: permission for the construction from the Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction License for the operation from the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the other documents. Top

Article 26. Minimum technical requirements for the establishment of slaughter houses

To ensure that animal products are clean according to hygienic principles and to protect the safety of workers, the slaughterhouse must have minimum technical requirement as follows:

A.) General principles

  • A slaughterhouse should be located in a high area, far from dense communities, hospitals, schools, drinking water sources and should have protected fences.
  • It should have a yard and lairage for ante-mortem inspection.
  • It should have a quarantine pen for suspicious animals and a place for autopsy and to destroy animal corpses which should be separated and far from the slaughter and meat handling places.
  • Adequate working space should be provided such as slaughtering, dressing, de-boning and storage.
  • Office or meeting room should be separated.
  • It should have a cloth changing room, WC, sinks, a restaurant, separate rooms for workers and a room for meat inspectors.
  • It should have waste treatment systems (stove, septic tank) and water treatment systems (drain canal, waste water pond...)

B.) Technical requirements for establishment of a slaughterhouse

  • It should have adequate space for slaughtering and handling for each day.
  • The walls of the building should be at least 4 meters high and made of cement.
  • Floors should be of concrete, hard paved surface or smooth concrete.
  • Roofs should covered by galvanized sheets or tiles. Internal walls should be of cement and at least 2m high.
  • The slaughter house should have appropriate systems for clean water, electricity, light and ventilation.
  • It should provide stainless pluck hooks for hanging carcasses and offal.
  • It should provide working tables and benches for operation. The surface of the tables should be of stainless steel or paved surface, the bench should also be of cement or stainless steel for easier cleaning.
  • It should provide a separate evisceration room It should have sufficient sinks in each unit (the slaughter and dressing hall and meat inspection [area] should provide non-hand operated taps).
  • The entry point for livestock and outlet point for (dressed carcass) meat should have a forward flow.
  • It should provide clean storage (chill-room). Top

Article 27. Inspection of animals before slaughter (Ante-mortem examination)

  • Before slaughter each animal must be inspected as follows:
  • Necessary documents specified in Article 6 of the MAF regulation on livestock Management in Lao PDR No.0004 /MAF dated 02/01/1997.
  • The various veterinary certifications of animal good health according to technical standards should be examined.
  • Examinations must be made in the same day when the animal is transported prior to slaughter. If an animal stays in the slaughterhouse more than 24 hours a further zoo-sanitary inspection will be made.
  • Animals kept in the yard prior to slaughter shall be provided with adequate feed, drinking water, clean and adequate space for resting
  • If the case where a pregnant female is found or a male that needs to be castrated a veterinary certificate letter is needed before allowing them to and leave. Top

Article 28. Determination of slaughter method, hygiene and selling of meat

1. Slaughter method

  • Each animal before being slaughtered must be inspected by a veterinarian and washed property with clean water.
  • After entering the slaughter hall the animal should be slaughtered immediately
  • Slaughtering of animals such as cattle, buffalos, sheep, goats and pigs should be done in a human manner not using methods that cause suffering such as head knocking or blowing. [Slaughtering] should be done by captive-bolt pistols or electrical stunning.

2. Basic hygienic principles for slaughterhouses

  • A slaughterhouse should have conditions for protection and suitable measures to control the circulation of humans and animals in and out of the slaughterhouse.
  • The holding yard and lairage in a slaughterhouse shall be kept clean by disinfecting at least once a month. In the case of an infectious disease being found the practice should be according to article 24 and 37 of MAF regulation No  0004, dated 02/01/1997
  • The slaughter area, dressing hall and store for meat or meat products shall be washed and disinfected as frequently as at least once a week with lime or hydrochloride acid (HCL) according to the recommendation of the meat inspector.
  • All equipment, tables, utensils used for slaughtering and dressing shall be washed and cleaned before and after the slaughter operation
  • There should be an effective and continuous program for pest control including birds, rodents, dogs and cats in the slaughterhouse and its surroundings.
  • If it is necessary to use an insecticide approved only for slaughterhouses such as: Chlorophos, Dieldrin, which is prohibited to be used in Lao PDR, this should be used carefully according to the recommendation of the meat inspector. Non edible particles and waste material should be disposed in the slaughterhouse

3. Hygiene rules for officers and workers in the slaughterhouse

  • Every person engaged in a slaughterhouse shall pass training education and have be certified free from severe infectious diseases such as: intestinal disease, hepatitis, tuberculosis, skin disease such as: itch, scabies, mange, leprosy.
  • Every person working in a slaughterhouse shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness. During operation should wear cloths following hygiene principles such as: cap, coat, gown, gloves and footwear. After work they must be stored in specified places.
  • A person approved to visit a slaughterhouse shall wear specified slaughterhouse clothes such as: gown, footwear and cap.
  • Clothes, equipment and implements shall be kept in separated closets.
  • Smoking, eating, chewing, spitting shall be prohibited in the slaughter place and any part of the slaughterhouse.

4. Transport of carcasses and meat products

  • Meat trucks should not carry anything other than meat and should not be the same truck that has transported live animals.
  • Meat trucks should be well covered to avoid dust, fly and other meat contaminants.
  • Meat trucks should have a refrigeration system if the transport takes more than 2 hrs.
  • Meat trucks should be cleaned and disinfected with hydrochloride acid both before and after transportation.
  • It is forbidden to transport other dangerous matters together with meat such as: insecticides, pesticides, gasoline cans, fertilizers and other chemical materials, which will contaminate the meat.
  • Before transporting offal such as: stomach, intestines these must be cleaned, washed and scraped. (head and legs of large animals should have all hair removed)
  • When transporting a whole carcass, half carcass or quarter carcass this should be hung on hooks or kept in containers well covered. Other meat products should be kept in a separate container.
  • Containers for transport meat should be made of stainless material and easily cleanable material such as: stainless container, plastic container.

5. Hygienic principles for meat places for sale in the market

  • If possible meat and offal for sale in the market should be hung with stainless hooks that are easy to clean.
  • Meat, offal and blood for sale placed on a table should be laid separately. It is better if [meat and offal] is kept in a glass cupboard and laid on a clean table which should be at least 80 cm high from the ground level and of a width of no more than 80 cm.  [The table] should be cleaned before and after being used for selling.
  • Every meat seller should be regularly examined and certified by doctors.
  • Every meat seller should maintain a high degree of cleanliness, have cut fingernails and wash hands frequently and always after visiting the toilet.
  • It is forbidden for meat seller to sit on the same table as meat and meat products.
  • Every meat seller in the market should wear a uniform cleaned according to hygienic principle such as: cap, white gown and apron.
  • Every meat seller in the market should have a certificate from he slaughterhouse/slaughter point or other evidence indicating  that the meat and offal came from a slaughterhouse/slaughter point or that it has already been inspected by a meat inspector.
  • Meat or meat products for sale should be fresh, not smell and not be contaminated.
  • Knives, chopping blocks and other equipment used for cutting meat and meat products should be cleaned and washed regularly.
  • Chopping blocks should be of hard wood such as: tamarind wood, "Kheng" wood or other hard wood that has no smell and no negative impact on the health of consumers.
  • Knives used to cut meat and their products shall be made of stainless steel.
  • All equipment should be stored in a special place after the sale of meat to ensure hygiene and cleanliness.

6. Meat selling in the super market

  • Meat or meat products for sale should have a certificate from the slaughterhouse/slaughter point certifying the technical requirement by the DLF.
  • Meat or meat products for sale should be packaged according to hygienic principles.
  • A label should be affixed showing weight, price, date of packaging, type, source of meat or meat products
  • [Meat or meat products] should be kept in a freezer or glass cupboard with a refrigerator system between 0 to 4oc. Top

Article 29. In the case of an infectious disease being before slaughter

  • If any animals shows clear clinical symptoms for Anthrax, Blackleg, Hemorrhagic septicemia, FMD or Swine fever, or if the Laboratory has confirmed that it is infected with one of those diseases, those animals need to be slaughtered under veterinary principles in a separate place but within the limit of the slaughterhouse.
  • In the case of an animal dying before slaughter and confirmed to be infected with Anthrax, the animal corpse should be properly burned and disinfected with 10% formalin.  Thereafter, lime shall be poured in the holding yard where the animal was kept and the place shall be protected with hard fencing.
  • The slaughter method shall be under the supervision of a veterinarian and shall follow the principle of avoiding blood flowing from animal body: [the slaughter method] shall be head knocking or captive-bolt stunning.
  • In a slaughterhouse the animal corpse should be destroyed by burning and at slaughter points by burial in a pit at least 1.5 m deep and filled with lime.
  • Those holding yards should be disinfected with formalin, Dettol, Lizol and lime should be poured at least one month before the transport of animals. Top

Article 30. In the case of an infectious disease being found in the slaughterhouse

  • When an infectious diseases such as: Hemorrhagic septicemia, Anthrax, Blackleg, MFD or Swine fever is found in the slaughterhouse, the meat inspector can order an immediate stop to slaughtering animals and shall apply the following technical principles: clean and disinfect the slaughter place with formalin 10-15%, destroy animal corpses by burning, boil blood and dispose of within the limit of slaughterhouse.
  • Implements such as: knives, axes, containers, chopping blocks and others should be washed with formalin 10% or sodium hydroxide 5%, used clothes should be boiled at 100 o C temperature for 30 minutes and plastic wear such as: foot wear, gloves, aprons should be soaked in formalin or Cresil 1-2% and clinical symptoms should be observed.  If irregularities are found [the person] should go to a hospital.
  • In order to ensure effective disinfection in the case of Anthrax the slaughterhouse should be closed for at least 15 days, for swine fever, blackleg and hemorrhagic septicemia it should be closed for at least 3 days. Top

Article 31. In the case of other infectious diseases being found as specified in article 29 of this technical norms, DLF has also determined, that animals affected by these disease that are dangerous to human and animal health should not be slaughtered.  These diseases are as below:

  • Rinderpest, Aujesky’s disease, infectious bovine Rhinotracheitis, contagious bovine, Pleuro-pneumonia, Vesicular Stomatitis, Leptospirosis, Tuberculosis, Rabies, Brucellosis, Tetanus, Swine erysipelas, Atrophic rhinitis, Salmonellosis, Fever animal having high To, swollen animal, tin animal, pregnant or newly given birth, animal having cuts and wounds and vaccinated animals not reaching 21 days.
  • In the case of a disease being found animals infected animals by the above should not be slaughtered for meat consumption.
  • In case found of Liver fluke, cystic meat, E. coli, Actinomycosis, Mastitis, Para-tuberculosis and Botulism the meat inspector should decide [whether to give] permission for distributing partially condemned meat and disposing of all carcasses. If meat can be distributed it should be cooked under the supervision of the meat inspector. Top

Article 32. In case of cystic meat

  • If three or more Cysts are found in one cut of meat ( ~ 40 cm2 ), cheek, tongue, or inter-costal muscle and depending on the decision of the meat inspector that condemned meat may be distributed (on condition that this meat is well boiled) or destroyed in the slaughterhouse, in the case that distribution is allowed, this meat can be cut in pieces no more than 10cm thick and boiled for least 30 minutes.
  • If fewer than three cysts are found in one cut by the veterinary meat inspector a further cut of chuck steak or round steak shall be made.  If cysts are found again, this meat shall be boiled under the supervision of a meat inspector. Top

Article 33. Slaughtering practices in slaughter points

Slaughtering practices in slaughter points should be according to articles 28 and 29 of MAF regulation on Livestock management in LAO PDR No 0004 dated 02/01/1997, but article 30 and 31 should be followed according to each slaughter point’s condition so as to ensure hygiene principles and the health of consumers by avoiding infectious diseases from animal to animal and from animals to humans. Top

Article 34. For ink and stamps

1. Ink for stamping the meat:

These inks should be a special ink, that no have negative impact on the quality of the meat. Their color and smell should not be dangerous to the health of consumers.

Composition of some inks:

Violet                          Red

Violet Methylene                    2.02g                            -

Amarant                                    -                               10.1g

Glycerine                               40.55g                         30.3g

Rectified alcohol 96o              10.10g                         10.10g

Sugar                                       0.10g                             -

Distilled water                         47.23 ml                      49.5 ml

  1. Meat stamps (types, size and signs)
  • Types of meat stamps

DLF has designed 3 types of meat stamp as follows:

  1. Round stamp.
  2. Triangle stamp.
  3. Square stamp.
  • Size of meat stamps
  1. Round stamp:  should be 5cm in diameter.
  2. Triangle stamp: a triangle should have 3 sides equal and should be 5cm high.

Remark:  Round and Triangle stamps should have a 1cm border from exterior to interior.

3.   Square stamp:   should have equal sides of 5cm.

  • Mark of meat stamps

Each type of meat stamp should comprise letters as follow:

  1. Round stamp:

Top part should say DLF.
Center should say name of “slaughterhouse/slaughter point”
Bottom part should say “meat inspection unit”

  1. Triangle stamp:

Left size should say “DLF”
Right size should say name of “Slaughterhouse/slaughter point”
Bottom size should say “Meat inspection unit”


Alphabet written on round and triangle stamps should be 2mm in size

  1. Square stamp:
  • Should say in the center “consumption prohibited”
  • The size of the letters should be 5mm.

Figures of meat stamps


  1. The meaning of the types of meat stamp
  1. Round stamp: meaning good quality meat, free from disease and can distributed for consumption
  2. Triangle stamp:   meaning passed under condition of certain treatment such as by cooking.
  3. Square stamp: meaning consumption prohibit
  4. The color of meat stamps
  1. Blue color ink:  meaning meat of buffalo, goat or sheep.
  2. Red color ink:  meaning meat of cattle or pigs.
  1. Part of meat for meat stamp
  1. Cattle and buffalo:  half carcass should be stamped in 8 points such as: steak, porterhouse steak, round steak and arm steak both interior and exterior part.
  2. Pigs, sheep and goat: should be stamped in 6 points such as: rib chops, back leg and foreleg both interior and exterior part. Top

Article 35. Practices for carcasses affected by severe infectious disease

Carcasses affected by a severe infectious disease shall be destroyed strictly under the supervision of a meat inspector. It is not allowed for the owner to do it himself. Top

Article 36. Delivery note for meat, meat products and offal

Meat and edible offal for sale in the market should have a delivery note from the slaughterhouse or slaughter point on application form No.C.006. Top

Article 37. Slaughtering animals for traditional ceremonies

  • Slaughtering animals for traditional ceremonies such as: receptions, wedding ceremonies and worshipping should be approved by the head of village and should be inspected by the village veterinary worker.  Meat and its products should [only] be eaten at the ceremony.
  • If there is no village veterinary worker, the head of the village has to certify, the meat and its products that should be eaten at each ceremony.
  • Meat and its products for consumption in other places, should be inspected by the village veterinary worker and certified by the head of the village or in the case of there not being a village veterinary worker the Head of the village shall certify that this meat and its product shall not be allowed to be put up for sale in the market. Top

Article 38. Smuggling of slaughtered animals

The Department of Livestock and Fisheries or Provincial, Municipal and Special zone Agriculture and Forestry Office has determined that slaughtering animals such as cattle, buffalo, pig in houses or offices and distributing meat and its products for sale without permission from the authorities and inspection from the veterinarian responsible in those areas constitutes smuggling. Top

Section 6
Standard for selection and

marking animals to conserve as breeding stocks

Article 39. Determination of local breed conservation areas

The determination of local breed conservation areas has the purpose of conserving local breeds from the impact of livestock development areas. Local breed conservation shall be clearly surveyed and have a clear data base.

After areas determination, the principles and techniques should be applied:

  • To select the animals as breeding stock.
  • To castrate the excess males from selection
  • Selected animals are not allowed to be moved from the local breed conservation area without permission of an authorized officer. New breeds are not allowed to be brought into the conservation area. The Department of Livestock and Fisheries shall define the local breed conservation area for cattle, buffalo and pig in some mountainous areas. Top

Article 40. Selection of animals to conserve as breeding stock

  1. Selected cattle and buffalo for breeding stock must have the following characteristics:
  • The height of a one year old male cattle’s must be at least 1.2m and of 1.1m for a female.
  • The height of a one year old male buffalo’s must be at least 1.3m and of 1.25m for a female.
  • The height is measured from the foreleg foot to the top of the hump.
  • One year old cattle must weigh between 100-120kg, 18 month old cattle must weigh between 120-150kg, and cattle more than 2 years old must weigh more than 180kg, Female cattle of the same age must weigh 10% less of the male.
  • One year old buffalo must weigh between 130-150kg, 18 month old buffalo must weigh between 150-180kg, and buffalos more than 2 years old must weigh more than 200kg
  1. Cattle-Buffalo conserved as breeding stock should not be aggressive, difficult to catch, should not be affected by infectious disease or genetic diseases, should be healthy and should have good phenotypic formation. After selection, those animals should be registered and marked with signs with a hot iron on the upper back legs. After balancing a proper ratio between male and female animals, the males that do not conform to selection criteria and the animals in excess of the balance should be castrated or sold.
  2. What should not be done with animals that are conserved for breeding stock should be according to Article 48 of MAF regulation on Livestock management in LAO PDR No 0004 dated 02/01/1997.
  3. The owner of animals should request the withdrawal of these animals from the breeding herd if they present bad characteristics according to article 49 of MAF regulation on Livestock management in LAO PDR No 0004 dated 02/01/1997.  After receiving permission for withdrawal the responsible officer shall stamp (W) on the registration card and issue a certificate for the withdrawal by DAFO.  Those animals should be slaughtered or castrated or reared for sale. In the case that an owner of an animal has to move from a conservation area, depending on the decision of the responsible officer, his/her animal should be moved or purchased as breeding herd.
  4. Government policy for a breeding stock owner, who receives special benefit such as: free animal vaccinations. The transfer of ownership should be done in the conservation area. Each transfer of ownership should be reported to the concerned officer for easier monitoring. Top


  • Livestock and Fisheries Center: Official place for livestock & fisheries where animal health care [provisions] can be consulted by all people.
  • Livestock & Fisheries officer: Officer who is nominated to perform the specific task.
  • Livestock quarantine: Official place for livestock & fisheries used for controlling the movement of livestock and its products, animal feed and veterinary drugs.
  • Patrol Veterinary officer: Livestock and Fisheries officer nominated by DG of DLF to patrol the implementation of MAF regulation on livestock management in LAO PDR.
  • Domestic animals: All species of animals such as Elephant, Horse, Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, Donkey, mules, Dog, Cat and Poultry and wild animals to be kept by people. Animal products:                                Meat and their products derived from animal such as: Milk, eggs, meat, skins, bones, blood, head, legs, offal, fat, feathers, hoofs and others.
  • Animal feed: Any kind of material given to an animal including concentrate, complete feed or every element that constitutes animal feed.
  • Veterinary drugs: Drugs used for animals only. All types of medicine used for animals.
  • Registration Card: Official letter approved by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries to be used in the whole country. This form is given to the owner of an animal more than one year old for the purpose of Livestock management and to protect the rights and benefits of the farmers who are the owners of the animals.
  • Animal Pedigree: A Breed certificate is the letter describing the origin of the breed and the purity of the breed. It is issued by the country of origin.
  • Animal marking: Signs or stamps that are specifically designed and approved by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries. These are ear-tags, painting with color on the body of the animal or hot iron brands on the body of the animal or applied by other methods.
  • Breeding Stock: Animals selected as parents for breed improvement. These have printed marks on the upper back legs.
  • Transfer of ownerships: Meaning change of owner or patron such as: exchange, purchase-selling or heritage certified by the chief of the village.
  • Animal breed improvement: Improvement of the animal breed by crossing or use of a scientific method selected by the organization concerned.
  • Breed conservation areas: Some area, perhaps a village, district or province surveyed by a livestock and fisheries officer where there are pure local breeds and these areas are proposed as local breed conservation areas under the Government’s policy to promote conservation, research and further improvement.
  • Animal castration: Technique to stop the function of an animal’s reproductive system by veterinary practices.
  • Artificial insemination: Animal breeding by technical methods, that use the sperm of a male animal and transfer it to the reproductive organ of the female by specific tools and without direct contact between male and female.
  • Slaughterhouse: Places for slaughtering animals defined by DLF mainly built in the outskirts of a town, of good solid construction and with modern tools where animals in suitable numbers are regularly slaughtered on a daily basis.
  • Slaughter point: Places that the provincial, municipal and special zone agriculture and forestry office has approved as a place for slaughtering animals. It should be equipped to slaughter small or an irregular number of animals.
  • Non-hand operated taps: Sinks for workers’ use in a slaughterhouse should be made of stainless-steel with knee or foot-operated taps.
  • Carcass: Body of any slaughtered and dressed animal which can be used for consumption.
  • Edible offal: Animal inner parts that are taken out, inspected and accepted by a meat inspector as wholesome and fit for human consumption.
  • Animal corpse: Body of an animal that died of a disease.
  • Infectious disease outbreaks: Animal disease which causes the mortality of the majority of animals with a severe impact on the national economy. These are H.S, FMD, Blackleg, Anthrax, Swine fever, Newcastle, Fowl cholera and Rabies.
  • Animal epidemic zone: Places where infectious disease is present and can spread widely without control. An epidemic zone should be officially declared following the outbreak of an infectious disease.
  • Risk to animal herd: High risk to the animal herd that it will be infected causing heavy mortality among the animals and causing great losses to the national economy.
  • Meat samples: Various part of an animal such as: meat, offal or other products that need to be collected for laboratory tests. These will be collected regularly in different places namely slaughterhouse, places for selling meat.  Offal or its products are collected in suitable quantities for inspection purposes.
  • Cystic meat: A type of disease for which the causal agent is a tape worm in the young stage of its life-cycle and that appears in the animal meat with the look and size of polished rice. If people eat raw meat of this type they will be infected with tape worm. Top


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1 Technical Regulation on Livestock Management and Animal Production in Lao PDR No. 0313/MAF PDF
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