Organizations and person who has submitted an application for product registration will be granted a temporary quality certificate, will be (protected) and assisted from the Standards Management Body for improving the quality and formulating a standard for those products. The Standards Management Body will receive and consider for registration of products produced from factories in Lao PDR.
The Organizations and person who producing needs to register products and goods, shall submit an application to Standards Management Body, the cost for each quality testing will refer to the actual cost for testing of a relevant testing laboratory which consists of information and documents (according to the form of Standards Management Body) are as follows:

 1. Detail list of products and goods for registration (Trade name, type...),
 2. Detail of production process,
 3. Source of raw materials,
 4. Detail of cost production,
 5.Sale price,
 6. References documents or application standards,
 7. Evidence of quality certification or results of the test,
 8. Domestic branch production,
 9. Target consumer and distribution plan,
10.Copies of documents for establishment of the factory. 

 Moreover, examine documents, if observed that are meeting the requirements, Standards Management Body will dispatch Technicians team to inspect at the factory site. The Standards   Management Body will evaluate, register products and goods and dispatch Technicians team to collaborate with the factory, instructing the improvement of nonconformities and toward formulating of standards for products and goods. The Standards Management Body will grant a temporary quality certificate to an applicant, in case that applicant could complete conditions mentioned-above and when applicant terminating its business shall inform Standards Management Body within thirty (30) days before or after termination. In case, changed the location or transferred a certificate for products and goods registration to another person shall inform the Standards Management Body accepts before.

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