Pursuant to Decree on Petroleum Business no. 331/GoL, dated 27 Oct 2017, the operation of petroleum business consists of 04 types: Import and Export of Petroleum Company, Petroleum Company for domestic distribution, Gas station and Petrol business Service Company. The document consists in application to apply for business license of gas station and condition must be a follow: 

Documents for applying the business license for gas station

1. Application  form, defined by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
2. Business registration certificate;
3. The taxpayer identification number certificate;
4. Temporary Construction certificate and construction certificate; 
5. Environmental and Social Impaction Certificates for gas station;
6. Safety inspection on the fired certificate of gas station;
7. Asset inventory of gas station, 
8. Financial statement, approved by the bank;
9. The business registration of Import – Export of petroleum or domestic distributor company, agreement on established and assignment for gas station for self-investment;
10. Certificate on representative or purchase– sell as a representative gas station;
11. Business account at local bank in Lao PDR.

Only for illustration
Source photo: http://www.petrolao.com.la/

The condition of gas station operation

1. There is business license for gas station;
2. Make invest accord business registration, mentioned in bullet 1.3 of article 7 of this decree;
3. There is inventory received and distribute the fuel daily; 
4. There is a system to monitor the distribution of fuel;
5. There is a logo company as their representative;
6. There is an account in Lao bank, buy-sell of petrol must be made transfer through bank;
7. Fuel Nozzle holder and octane meter are approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology;
8 .There are extinguisher along fuel nozzle with primary extinguished tools;
9 .The fuel tank shouldn’t contain more than eighty thousands (80.000) liters per gas station;
10 .There are facilitated public toilets;   
11. If there are other associated services such as minimart, restaurant, food and drink shop also needed to separately business register;
12 .There is insurance accords to the law on insurance.

Only for illustration
Source photo: http://www.pttcambodia.com/about-us.aspx


After well-received of the complete set of all documents, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce must process within five working days from the date of receive the document with coordinating relevant sectors. If the application and documents are inaccurate and incomplete, they must inform to the applicant in a written within five working days so that the applicants may revise and complete accordingly. In case that it is not allowed, they need to notify the reason to applicant in written within 15 official days from the date of receiving the document. If all documents are accurate and completed, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce must issue a business license to gas station within fifteen official days from the date of received the document. The business license it’s valid for two years and renewable.

For more information, please contact:
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Department of Domestic Trade
Phone: +85621 412 436

Click here to see measures for the operation of the petroleum business

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