Pursuant to a notification on the officially launch of Tax Revenue Information System (TaxRIS) No.3532/MoF, dated 02 November 2018, the MOF has started using TaxRIS on November 05, 2018, taxpayers can fill tax returns via the website http://taxservice.mof.gov.la. TaxRIS will be used at the Tax Department and the Tax Offices of the 05 provinces: Vientiane Capital, Luang Prabang, Vientiane, Savannakhet and Champasack, and will be used at Tax Units of 05 districts such as Chanthaboury, Sikhottabong, Xaysetha, Sisattanak and Laung Prabang city.

Source photo: http://taxservice.mof.gov.la


In early 2019, TaxRis is going to be launched at Tax Offices of 02 provinces such as bolikhamxay and khammouane, at Tax Units of 05 districts such as Vangvieng, Paksan, Thakhek, Kaysone Phomvihane city and Pakse city. Moreover, TaxRis will be launched at the remaining provinces throughout the country within 2019.

For more information, please contact:

Ministry of Finance

Tax Department

Phone: 021-217025, 021-242688; Fax:021-218569, 021-213804

Click here to see more details of this notification

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