The value of import-export of Lao PDR in October 2018 achieved 800 million USD (Excluding import and export of electricity). In that, the import value was approximately US $ 501 million and export value was approximately US $ 338 million.

  1. Illustration of export products

Main export products are copper minerals, articles of copper, spare parts of video recorder, beverage, electrical appliances, rubber, clothing, amalgam gold and gold bars, banana etc.

  1. Illustration of import products

Main import products are Fuel (diesel), vehicles, mechanical equipment, electrical appliances, beverage, steel and steel products, spare parts of vehicle, steel bars and transformed steel gasoline, plastic etc.

  1. Illustration of export countries

Main export countries are China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Japan, Germany, The United Arab Emirates, USA, etc.

  1. Illustration of import countries

 Main import countries are Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, Belgium, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, USA, etc.


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