The seized timbers auction committee has notified as follows:

1. The seized timbers auction committee at Capital and Provinces shall accelerate the auction of the government’s seized timbers promptly to ensure procedures and time limit as specified in Instruction on the auction of the government’s seized timbers No. 0336/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 13 March 2017 are followed, aiming to increase government income preventing the seized timbers from decaying and decreasing in quality; 
2. The seized timbers auction committee at Capital and Provinces shall monitor the implementation and payment of timber purchase-sale contract. If a factory/company does not comply with a contract or prolong payment the bidding fee auction to the government, the provincial governor/vice governor will issue a decision on cancellation and will consider selling to other factories/companies offering the same price as previously agreed;

Source illustration:


3. In case of incompliant dimension of timbers with the list in purchase-sale contract, seized timbers auction committee will consider as follows:
- For a contract with complete payment: the seized timbers auction committee will recheck the list of the seized timbers which have not been auctioned to compensate those to factory/company based on the actual price and timber quality.       

4. Submit the implementation report to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Secretariat of seized timbers auction committee);
5. Enhance the implementation of Order on Enhancing Strictness on the Management and Inspection of Timber Exploitation, Timber Movement and Timber Business No. 15/PM dated 13 May 2016.

More information, please contact:

Import and Export Management Division
Department of Import and Export
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Phone: 021 412008


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