Permanent Secretary Office of Ministry of Industry and Commerce notifies concerned sector to implement as follows:  

For enterprise seal making:  
After enterprise registration, an enterprise is able to apply for its seal making to public security sector by only submitting its enterprise registration certificate in accordance with article 21 as defined in Law on Enterprise, No. 46/NA, dated 26 December 2013 and article 22 as defined in Decree No. 322/GoL, dated 01 October 2018.

For a sign of enterprise name

1. After enterprise registration (individual or legal person), an enterprise is able to apply for its sign making by only submitting its enterprise registration certificate without any license application for making a sign of enterprise name.

2. The contents in a sign of enterprise name shall include:

  • Enterprise name as specified in enterprise registration certificate;
  • Enterprise number;
  • Taxpayer Identification number (if applicable);
  • Phone number.
Minimum sign size: 30*60 cm and Maximum sign size: 1.5m*3m


Alteration of registered matters of an enterprise such as its content, objectives, etc. which related to alteration of a sign, an enterprise shall make a new sign. In addition, an enterprise is able to add its logo or QR Code on a sign.

Click here to see more details of enterprise seal making and sign of enterprise name



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