Pursuant to a Decision on the establishment of Laos Competition Commission No.67/PM, dated 04 October 2018. Prime Minister has agreed on the establishment of Laos Competition Commission and appointed Vice Minister of Industry and Commerce as Chair of LCC; Director General of Department of State-Owned Enterprises Management and Development, and Insurance, Ministry of Finance and Director General of Investment Promotion Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment as Vice Chair of LCC. 

Source of illustration:https://www.millionaireacts.com


The LCC shall have the rights and duties as follows in accordance with Article 50 as stipulated in the Law on Competition No.60/NA. dated 14 July 2015:

  • To consider and adopt plans, programmes, and projects concerning the competition based on the proposal from its Secretariat;
  • To study, propose adoption of legislation concerning the competition as well as advocate and disseminate such legislation;
  • To consider the combination;
  • To apply administrative measures against individuals, legal entities who breach this Law and relevant regulations;
  • To issue orders, inspection decisions and apply measures against violators based on the decision of relevant agencies as stipulated in the Law on Criminal Procedure;
  • To submit the criminal referral to the Office of the Public Prosecutor for prosecution in accordance with justice processes;
  • To collaborate and cooperate with foreign countries, regional and international organizations concerning the competition affairs;
  • To summarise and report its performance to the Minister of Industry and Commerce;
  • To perform other rights and duties in accordance with laws and regulations.
Source of illustration: Lao Economic News Channel


Ministries, state agencies equivalent to the Ministries at Vientiane capital and provinces shall appoint their LCC representatives in accordance with Article 01 as stipulated in the Prime Minister’s Decision No.67/PM, dated 04 October 2018

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