On December 25, 2018,  Permanent Secretary Office, MOIC held the launching ceremony of MOIC Legislation Database website, the ceremony was chaired by Mme. Banesaty Thephavong, Director General of Permanent Secretary Office, MOIC. The purpose of this database is to collect effective legislation concerning the industry and commerce sector. The public can download all approved, certified and in force documents and regulations related to industrial and commerce in term of soft copy, pdf and doc file.

Mme. Banesaty Thephavong stated that this database will greatly benefit both domestic and foreign businesses in accessing legislation concerning industry and commerce sector. The users are able to use the database to be a reference for doing business and to use the effective legislation compliance with the laws and regulations in order to avoid using outdated or eliminated legislations.

The homepage of MOIC Legislation Database website


Currently, the pilot launching of MOIC Legislation Database website was initially completed and the website is still ongoing to be developed. The users are able to provide comments for its improvement to the following:

Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Permanent Secretary Office
Legislation Division
Tel: 856 21 412014
MOIC Legislation Database website: http://law.moic.gov.la

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