The trade and economic relations between Laos and China have a solid and strong relationship and have been developing constantly with great achievements. Particularly, infrastructure development integration with China, for instance, Laos-China railway. In the first nine months of 2018, trade value between China and Laos reached 2.42 billion USD, increased to 14.9% compared to 2017.



Laos imported US$ 970 million worth of goods from China, decreased to 1.2% compared to 2017. The main import products are machinery (US$ 350 million), electronic products (US$ 70 million), transformed steel products (US$ 60 million), vehicle (US$ 30 million), etc.



Laos exported US$ 1.45 billion worth of goods to China, increased to 28.8% compared to 2017. The main export products are copper ores (US$ 230 million), wood products (US$ 80 million), agricultural products (US$ 50 million), natural rubber (US$ 20 million).



The investment value of Chinese entrepreneurs in Laos reached US$ 1.2 billion, increased to 25.1% compared to 2017. Most investments are majoring in electric power, mining, agriculture-forestry, hotels, real estate, etc.



News source: Annual report 218 and work plan 2019 from Economic-Trade Consular Office.


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