Pursuant to a Decision on the Approval for Utilization of Lao National Single Window No. 0204/MOF, dated 15 January 2019. The management of goods for import and export will be implemented and managed by LNSW. Initially, the management of vehicle for import is going to be implemented at Friendship Bridge International Border Checkpoint I. After the improvement, development, and success of the implementation, the LNSW will be launched at the remaining international border checkpoints throughout the country.

Source: https://www.azernews.az


Moreover, the payment of Customs duties, taxes, fees, service charges and other obligations for the state budget will be paid centrally at International Border checkpoint via LNSW connected with ASYCUDA and SmartTax system.

Source: http://travel-lao-isaan.blogspot.com


More information, please contact

Nongbone Road, Green Building, 3rd Floor, Naxay Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

Phone: 030 7776699

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.laonsw.net/


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