Ministry of Finance

                                                                                     Customs Department                                                                                     

No. 07366/CD

Vientiane Capital, date 14 November 2017



On the Utilization of Manifest Module

at the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge II, Dansavanh, Customs Warehouse Units, Customs Boe Ten Border Checkpoint and Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge IV.


-     Pursuant to Customs Law no. 04/NA, dated 20 December 2011 and Customs Law (Amended some articles) no. 57/NA, dated 24 December 2014.

-     Pursuant to the Decision of Minister no. 2826/MOF, dated 22 August 2017 on the Organization and Function of Customs Department.

 -    Pursuant to the Instruction on Electronic Customs Declaration N0. 00097/CD, dated 6th Jan 2017.

-   Pursuant to the Decision of Customs Department no. 7358/CD, dated 14 November 2017 on utilization of Module to Manage and Movement of Goods.


Director General of Customs Department issued the instruction:


  1.  Objective

This Instruction is to determine the principles, methods and procedures on using Manifest Module to facilitate on the monitoring, inspect on the notice of the movement on goods to the warehouse and be able to deduct at the same time while enterprises clearing on declaration form to be uniform and modernize.


  1. Principles and Scope of Use

                 This instruction will be pilot used at the International Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge II, Dansavanh, Customs Warehouse Units, Customs Boe Ten Border Checkpoint and Customs Border Checkpoint of Friendship Bridge IV as the pilot project of the Manifest Module, upgrade module to be completed and create the opportunities to extend. Install this module across the country.

  1. The procedure to use the module on movement of goods


  1. The transport services must inform information at least 24 hours before goods arrived. To notice information on transporr in Manifest Module in ASYCUDA system shold follow the procedures as belows:
  • Inform General Information: transport services should include Master Bill (general segment) as the first shipment should include 1 sets of shipping details.
  • Detailed on transport information: after completed shipping document details , the enterprises must submit detail of Bill of Lading/Truck Bill into detail Way Bill.
  • To register notice information on transport: ASYCUDA system shall determine Manifest Reference Number use as reference for the details of customs declearation form.
  1. Separation of shipping details on transport goods
  • In case of shipping details on transport goods is Master Bill, the transport services must separate on shipping details (degroupage) to proceed on the details customs declearation.
  • In case of shipping details us House Bill, the transport services does not to separate the information on goods and be able to proceed on the details customs declearation.
  1. Modification on information of transport goods


Modification on information of transport goods: in case the information on transport goods is not match with the Master Bill because of necessary cases such as weight is exceed to suit on bording on ship or truck which is essentail to sent some of goods before movement, transport services have to bring documents and evidence on modification of all transportation to inform the customs authorities at the warehouse regards on modify information in ASYCUDA system to match with actual goods that arrived in warehouse.


  1. The procedure on the customs declearation in detials


To decleare customs in details, the trader/broker have to folloe the procedure as:

  • The goods owner or broker (Savan Logistic) have to proceed on customs declearation in details at Customs Office in the warehouse port Savannakhet by following the procedure as defined on the Guidance of Customs Department No. 00097/CD, dated 6 January 2017. To fill out information on customs declearation in details, the  owners (Customs broker or representative) have to inform information on transport goods (Manifest) and Number of Bill of Lading/Truck Bill in to customs declearation in details in order to give ASYCUDA be able to inspect and intergrate information on transport goods into customs declearation form automatically.
  • In the Form of House Biil 1 have to attached 1 set of customs declearation form in details as well as with Bill of Lading of each time submit to customs authorities to proceed on the inspections.
  • In case of some goods items that not attached with customs declearation form. In the deduction on the House Bill, the customs authorities at the warehouse have to deduct that House Bill by using Manual Discharge system.


  1. Implementation

Assign Divion of Legistration and Notification coordinate with Division of Planning and Information set up plan for disseminate, advise using technique and install this module for testing at the main customs border check pionts to completed as the target.

Assign Divisions in Customs Department, Customs Inspection Unitss, International Border Checkpionts across the country and other agencies to acknowledge and collaborate the implementation of this instruction strictly.


  1.  Effectiveness

This Instruction shall become effective since the date of the signature.


Acting Deputy Director General of Customs Department



# Title Download
1 Instruction on the Utilization of Manifest Module No. 07366/CD, dated 14 November 2017 PDF
2 ບົດແນະນໍາ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການໍາໃຊ້ ໂມດູນຄຸ້ມຄອງການຂົນສົ່ງສິນຄ້າ (Manifest Module) ສະບັບເລກທີ 07366/ກພສ, ລົງວັນທີ 14 ພະຈິກ 2017 PDF
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