Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


                                Ministry of Post, Telecommunication                                    

Ref. No. 2117/MPTC

Vientiane capital, dated 8 August 2018



on Short-Range Devices


  • Pursuant to the Law on Radio Spectrum Ref. No. 17/NA, dated 05 May 2017;
  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decree Ref. No. 22/PM, dated 16 January 2017 on Organization and Activities of Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and Communication.


Minister of Post, Telecommunication and Communication Issues the Decision:


 Chapter 1
General Provision

 Article 1. Objectives

This Decision sets out the principles, regulations and measures for managing the use of short-range devices to achieve national unity, efficiency and effectiveness aimed at ensuring the security, national security and social order of the country and national development.


Article 2. Short-range devices

Short-range devices (herein after SRD) are a short-range device that uses radio frequency bands in conjunction with multiple radio frequency wave communications, short-wavelength distributions, frequency bandwidths, bandwidth distances, radio frequency bandwidths according to international standards.


Article 3.  Description of terms used

The terms used in this Decision are:

  1. The International Telecommunication Union - ITU refers to the international body in charge of international treaty management and telecommunication standards;
  2. Short-range devices mean the devices used to receive, transmit, or receive and transmit signals, information, text, audio, and pictures using the radio frequency spectrum.


Article 4. Scope of application

This Decision applies to all individuals, entities, and domestic and international organizations utilizing short-range devices in Lao PDR.


Chapter 2
Types of Application of Short-Range Devices


Article 5. Types of application

There are 16 types of application of short-range devices as follows:

  1. Tele-command;
  2. Telemetry;
  3. Voice and video;
  4. Equipment for detecting avalanche victims;
  5. Broadband radio local area networks (RLANs);
  6. Railway applications;
  7. Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTTs);
  8. Equipment for detecting movement and equipment for alert;
  9. Alarms;
  10. Model control;
  11. Inductive applications;
  12. Radio microphones;
  13. Radio frequency identification (RFID);
  14. Ultra low power active medical implant (ULP-AMI);
  15. Wireless audio application;
  16. RF level gauges (Radar)


Article 6. Telecommand

The use of short-range devices to command is the communication to send signals to start, correct or control the operation of the device over the radio frequency spectrum.


Article 7. Telemetry

                   The use of short-range devices for measurement is communication to display or record information over a radio frequency band.


Article 8. Voice and video

                   The use of short-range devices as audio and video communication is similar to this system such as Toy Walkie-Talkie, Baby monitoring, for the use of video cameras is the use of non-professional cordless camera mainly a new born baby monitoring devices.


Article 9. Devices for detecting avalanche victims

                   The use of short-range devices for victim detection is to use a positioning system to locate victims, such as the Avalanche beacon.   


Article 10 Broadband radio local area networks (RLANs)

          The use of short-range devices for radio local area networks to replace cables in the home, buildings, and sprawling areas to make it easier, faster and cost-effective to install such as Wi-Fi devices.


Article 11 Railway applications

                   The use of short-range devices equipment for railway consists of three main types: Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Blaise system and Loop system.


Article 12 Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTTs)

                   The use of short-range devices for transport and traffic is the transmission of information between two or more vehicles on the road and between vehicles and the road infrastructure such as automatic toll collection, route and parking guidance, collision avoidance system.


Article 13 Equipment for detecting movement and equipment for alert

                   The use of short-range devices for mobility detection and alerting is a low-frequency radar system used for the purpose of detecting, locating, and specifying location, target speed, such as traffic police traffic detectors.


Article 14 Alarms

                   The use of short-range devices for communication system for alarms is to transmit frequency signals to the public so that the community can recognize in the event of a danger and to receive appropriate assistance.


Article 15 Model control

                   The use of short-range devices for model controller (toys) to control the movement of air, ground, water or underwater objects.


Article 16 Inductive applications

                   The use of short-range devices for magnetic field is a communication system based on the magnetic field of the magnetic field, which is usually low-frequency radio waves such as car immobilizers, car access systems or car detectors.


Article 17 Radio microphones

                   Radio microphones are single directional transmitters with low power to transmit short-range audio signals for personal use.


Article 18 RFID

                RFID is a system that contains data in a transponder, commonly referred to as Tag, may include product code information, factory, transportation, location, violator, car, animal or other property or other data type, in order to receive RFID Reader data must send a radio frequency signal to Tag, then Tag will return data to RFID Reader.


Article 19 Ultra low power active medical implant (ULP-AMI)

                   The use of short-range devices for Ultra low power active medical implant as part of the MICS (Medical Implant Communication System) system utilizes embedded medical devices such as pacemaker, implantable defibrillators. The MICS system uses radio frequency waves to communicate between external devices and medical devices embedded in the human body.


Article 20 Wireless audio application

                   The use of short-range devices for wireless audio signals includes wireless speakers, wireless headphones and more.


Article 21 RF level gauges (Radar)

                The use of short-range equipment for RF level gauges has been used in many industries to measure the volume of raw materials stored in containers or sealed containers such as refineries, drug mills, food mills and beverages.

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Chapter 3
Short-Range Devices, Noise frequency, Signal Strength, and Technical Rates.


Article 22.  Short-range devices to communicate over a distance

                   Communication of short-range devices for communication is not considered to be the primary service or secondary service in the national radio frequency map.

The use of radio frequency warehouse equipment for communication radios do not need permission to use radio frequencies.

The radio frequency waves for short-range radio frequency spectrum is set forth in the Appendix and may change from time to time according to the development of the technology.


Article 23.  Negative frequency wave

          The use of a short-range devices shall not cause a negative frequency for any type of communication specified in the Broadband Radio Law and the National Radio Frequency Wave Plan.

In case the device frequency radio communication close causing frequency negative communication that was permitted frequency radio communications equipment wave west radio communication nearby shall terminate temporary use until frequency noise will be resolved even if the device frequency communication near term will be consistent with the rules and standard techniques required then Three.

The use of a short-range devices cannot claim the right to the protection of a negative frequency wave from any other communications authorized to use a radio frequency signal.


Article 24.  Signal transmission strength

The signal transmission strength of the short-range devices are specified in the Appendix.


Article 25.  Technical rates

          Technical rates including Spectrum access, duty cycle, modulation, maximum occupied bandwidth and ITU-R Recommendation and ERC Recommendation 70-30.  


Chapter 4
Standards and Imports


Article 26.  Technical rates

          The use of near-frequency radio frequency devices is regulated in accordance with regulations ITU-R Radio Regulations, ETSI standard and FCC Part 15 which is identified in the annexes.

          The use of short-range devices must conform to safety standards on the use of radio frequency transmitters such as ICNIRP, IEC and the Radio Broadcasting Broadband Security Decision No. 208 / MPTC, dated 05th February 2016.


Article 27.  Import of short-range devices

          Individuals, legal entities or domestic and international organizations that wish to import short-range communications devices must obtain authorization from the post, telecommunication and communication sectors.

All types of short-range devices must be checked and certified for technical standards before importation.


Chapter 5
Prohibitions and Measures for Violators


Article 28. General prohibitions

        Individuals, legal entities or domestic and foreign organizations are prohibited from engaging in the following acts:

  1. Import or manufacture of unauthorized short-range devices;
  2. improper use of short-range devices in accordance with the technical standards set forth in this Decision;
  3. Interfere with or cause damage to other communications;
  4. Interrupt the installation of the frequency monitoring equipment and the performance of the radio frequency monitoring officer;
  5. Any other behavior that violates the laws and regulations.


Article 29. Educational measures

Individuals, legal entities or domestic and international organizations that violate this Decision for the first time, which do not cause any damages knowingly or unintentionally or at minimum cost are subjected to be notified and recorded in his / her biography and educated.


Article 30. Measures for violators

Individuals, legal entities or domestic and international organizations that violate this Decision shall be educated, disciplined, fined, including the use of civil or criminal penalties, on a case of light or heavy basis.


Chapter 8
Final Provision


Article 31. Implementation

The Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and Communication has assigned the Department of Spectrum in connection with the relevant sectors and organizations to implement this Decision in a strict manner.


Article 32. Effectiveness

This Decision is effective from the date of its signature and after fifteen days of the publication of the Official Gazette.



[Seal and signature]

# Title Download
1 Decision on the Short Range Devices (SRD) No. 2118/MPT, dated 08 August 2018 PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ອຸປະກອນຄື້ນຄວາມຖີ່ວິທະຍຸສື່ສານໄລຍະໃກ້ ເລກທີ 2117/ປທສ, ລົງວັນທີ 08 ສິງຫາ 2018 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Certificate Requirement for imported short range devices Certificate Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications every importation of short range devices must be certified with the department of frequency, Ministry of technology and communication Decision on the Short Range Devices (SRD) No. 2118/MPT, dated 08 August 2018 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Importer Register Requirement for the import of Short Range Devices or SRD Registration Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Importer of Short Range Devices must be registered with the department of frequency, Ministry of technology and communication Decision on the Short Range Devices (SRD) No. 2118/MPT, dated 08 August 2018 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Inspection Requirement for Importers of Short Range Devices (SRD) Inspection Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Samples of ICT devices must be inspected by the department of frequency, ministry of technology and communication before Importation Decision on the Short Range Devices (SRD) No. 2118/MPT, dated 08 August 2018 9999-12-31 ALL
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