On behalf of Trade Facilitation Committee Secretariat Office (TFCS), DIMEX held the meeting of consultation on the draft Prime Minister’s Order on Facilitation for import-export, transit, import for re-export and domestic movement of goods on February 14, 2019, the meeting was chaired by Mr. Soulinhon Philavong, Director General of DIMEX, Deputy Head of TFCS, attracting more 40 TFCS members to attend.  The objective of this meeting is to notify its TFCS members for Decision on the Organization and Operation of the Trade Facilitation Committee Secretariat No. 001/NTFC, dated 26 December 2018 and consult on the draft Prime Minister’s Order on Facilitation for import-export, transit, import for re-export and domestic movement of goods.

Mr. Soulinhon Philavong, Director General of DIMEX, Deputy Head of TFCS


Pursuant to Decision No. 001/ NTFC, the main roles and duties of TFCS are following: TFCS considers and improves the procedure and NTMs related with the movements of goods, import-export, transport of transit goods and dual-use goods to address the issues and barriers of trade facilitation and to ensure the compliance with international conventions and treaties to which Lao PDR is a party.

The consultation on the draft Prime Minister’s Order divided into 03 issues are as follow:

  • Enhancing for a more concise and prompt license and certificate of import-export, transit, and import for re-export.  
  • Border compliance: 1) Customs Units (Customs, Quarantine of Plant-Animal, food, and drug) shall pay attention to Risk management and post-audit to reduce the procedure, time and cost of goods release. 2) To create a system supporting for releasing of perishable goods and expedited shipments as well as to promote advance ruling and pre-arrival. 
  • The domestic movement of goods: the concerned sector shall consider the reduction of the licensing process, certificate, monitoring and evaluating of the domestic movement of goods and unnecessary fees between central and local level.

Therefore, TFCS members added their comments on the draft of the order, for instance, in the case of incompletion of documents, the concerned sector shall inform the entrepreneurs to resubmit the documents. In case of completion and accuracy of documents, the concerned sector will consider for approval; specify electronic usage as Lao National Single Window (LNSW); determine clear duties and responsibilities for the concerned sector to avoid the duplication of implementation.

After revising the draft of the order, TFCS will send the revised draft to line ministries for final review before submitting to the Prime Minister for endorsement.


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