Pursuant to Decision on the Import and Distribution of ICT Equipment No. 3201/MPT, dated 16 November 2016, legal entities that wish to conduct import or distribution business service operation on ICT devices, must acquire approval License from Post and Telecommunications sector. The list of ICT devices is defined in the list of ICT devices No. 1504/PSO.MPT, dated 20 June 2018.

Legal entities that wish to conduct import or distribution business service operation on ICT devices must fulfill the following requirements:
- Have adequate investment capital as stipulated in the Law of Enterprise and related laws;
- Have human resources with at least vocational education diploma (Middle-Level) and experience in ICT for a minimum of 1 year;
- Have permanent location, storage, transport vehicle and tools for operating the services  adequately and appropriately depending on the business size;
- Have a clear and implementable business plan;
- Prepare a complete and accurate set of documents as defined in the Annex of Decision on No. 3201/MPT, dated 16 November 2016. Then, the administration and inspection authority will consider issuing a license for operating a business on import and distribution of ICT devices within fifteen working days upon the day a complete and the accurate set of documents is received.

Source: http://www.coatesville.org


In each ICT devices import, the business operator for ICT devices import must acquire the device import certificate from Post and Telecommunications sector in order for inspection and/or certify the technical and safety standard ( the details of standards as specified in the Annex of Decision on No. 3201/MPT, dated 16 November 2016). For devices that require inspection on technical standard, sample devices or details must be sent to the administrative authority for inspection and certification before importing at least 15 working days. ICT devices that have been certified for import will have a certification sticker on them, which is issued by the Post and Telecommunications sector.


Source: http://www.keywordbasket.com


Import business operators that require a certificate for ICT devices import must meet the following document requirements:

- Have detail information about the devices;
- Clearly have import plan, quotation, packing list, quantity, price, the origin of products, the standard certificate from the factory, destination, and date;
- In the case that devices require technical inspection, clear details of the devices and/or the actual devices must be present in order for inspecting the devices as specified in Article 12 of this Decision.
- Prepare a set of complete and accurate documents as specified in the Annex of Decision on No. 3201/MPT, dated 16 November 2016.

Click here to see more details of import and distribution of ICT devices

Click here to see more details of the list of ICT devices



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