Pursuant to Notification on the Issuance of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) No. 0489/PSO.MOF, dated 05 March 2019. The registrar will insert taxpayer data into the issuance of enterprise registration certificate system. Then, a taxpayer data will be approved for the issuance of enterprise registration certificate and will be submitted to TaxRis system. The TaxRis system will automatically generate the TIN and revert to the issuance of an enterprise registration certificate system, an enterprise is able to obtain the enterprise registration certificate come up with TIN (the new version of the enterprise registration certificate). Moreover, the enterprise registration certificate with TIN can be used for official documents and replaced the TIN certificate and tax registration certificate.  

For the new version of the enterprise registration certificate, an enterprise shall participate in the seminar on tax obligations at the relevant Tax Administration Office within 30 working days from the date the issuance of the enterprise registration certificate.

The new version of the enterprise registration certificate


For the old version of enterprise registration certificate with no TIN (12 digits), an enterprise shall submit an application for TIN to the relevant Tax Office. For Tax Units with no TaxRis system, an application will be submitted to the relevant Tax Office at Capital or Provinces for issuing TIN.

The old version of the enterprise registration certificate
Source: http://cna.com.la


Currently, TaxRIS is launching at the Tax Department and the Tax Offices of the 07 provinces: Vientiane Capital, Luang Prabang, Vientiane, bolikhamxay, khammouane, Savannakhet and Champasack, and at Tax Units of 10 districts such as Chanthaboury, Sikhottabong, Xaysetha, Sisattanak, Luang Prabang city, Vangvieng, Paksan, Thakhek, Kaysone Phomvihane city and Pakse city. Moreover, TaxRis will be launched in the remaining provinces throughout the country within 2019.

For more information, please contact:

Ministry of Finance

Tax Department

Phone: 021-217025, 021-242688; Fax:021-218569, 021-213804

Click here to see more details of this notification

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