On March 15, 2019, Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) held In-Country Capacity Building Workshop on DOO for AANZFTA Rules of Origin at Lao Plaza, Vientiane Capital. The workshop was chaired by Mr. Khemdeth Sihavong, Deputy Director General of Department of Foreign Trade Policy, MOIC, attracting more representatives from public and the private sector. The objective of this workshop is to discuss the pilot program allowing the use of DOO to be eligible for preferential tariff treatment under AANZFTA. Moreover, ANZ has presented the Pilot Program of Declaration of Origin under ASEAN-Australia/New Zealand Free Trade Area: AANZFTA for ASEAN member countries to consider joining the program.  

Mr. Khemdeth Sihavong, Deputy Director General of Department of Foreign Trade Policy, MOIC (Central)


Mr. Khemdeth stated that in 2009, ASEAN and Australia-New Zealand signed an FTA, particularly, the rules of origin is a major criterion of the implementation. After this meeting, Lao PDR as ASEAN member will discuss a possible pilot program and consider for joining the program.

Example of the use of a DOO form


DOO is a statement that the goods are originating goods that meet AANZFTA requirements. It is a self-certified document made by the manufacturer, producer, supplier, exporter or other competent person on a DOO form, a commercial invoice, or other commercial documents. This program will help cut down on documentation procedures and it will increase transparency, facilitate checking, systemizing data collection, and reduce time and costs.


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