Pursuant to Decision on the Management of Pesticide Business Operation No. 0238/MAF, dated 14 February 2019, Any individual, legal entity and organization indenting to undertake pesticide business operation license must have following conditions and document required:

Conditions for pesticide business operation license
1. Must have technical staff with competency or certificate, knowledge and experiences on pesticide;
2. Must have a place, equipment, vehicles and facilitation to the business operation;
3. Must have the safety protection system, for instance, emergency plan in case of fire prevention, flooding, leaking and receiving the toxic substance impact to humans, animals, plants and environment.
4. Must have stable financial status to operate a business.

Source of illustration: https://www.medicaldaily.com

Document required for pesticide business operation license

1.  Must have an application form for pesticide business operation license as prescribed by the DOA;
2. Must have technical analysis with a certificate of staffs who are concerning business pesticide;
3. Copy of the enterprise registration certificate;
4. 03 photos size 3*4 (taken not more than 03 months)
5. Health certificate (issued within 03 months)
6. List of pesticides for sale.

Source of illustration: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com

For more information, please contact:
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture
Phone: +85621 412350
Website: http://doa.maf.gov.la/



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