Pursuant to Decision on the Import, Export, and Transit of Animal and Animal Products No. 0795/MAF, dated 18 April 2019, any natural, legal person or organization intending to import, export and transit of animals and animal products into Lao PDR through the International Exit and Entry Checkpoints, shall implement under the permission from the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority.

Only for illustration
Source: https://www.slideshare.net

1. For the import animals and animal products

Animals and animal products for a business purpose must require import permit as stipulated in Appendix 1 of this Decision. Animals and animal products for domestic consumption is not required for import permit but must be declared to the entry checkpoint veterinary officer to carry out the inspection, recording or measures according to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries.   

Document required for the import permit

  • Application for import permit as stipulated in Appendix 3 of this Decision;
  • Copy of ID card or family registration book;
  • Copy of passport (In case of foreigner);
  • Letter of attorney ;
  • Copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate.

Additional document required on the day of import goods

  •  Animal Health Certificate from the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority of origin country;
  • Copy of bill of Landing/Airway Bill (In case of port or airport);
  • Copy of animal heredity certificate (In case of animal used for breeding);
  • Copy of Animal vaccination certificate (In the case of Lao PDR requires).
Only for illustration
Source: https://hoards.com

2. For the export of animals and animal products

Any natural, legal person or organization intending to export animals and animal products, shall prepare the following criteria:

  • Shall obtain the information, regulations, and application for import animal and animal products from the importing country;
  • Request for Import License compliance with regulations as prescribed by import country;
  • Declare the import license and  SPS certification from import country to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF);
  • Submit the application for export (as stipulated in Appendix 3 of this Decision) to DLF at least 15 days before exporting in order to ensure the accuracy of documents;
  • DLF shall inspect, quarantine and issue the Animal Health Certificate (as stipulated in Appendix 5 of this Decision) and Export License to an exporter.

When exporting animals and animal products at border checkpoint:

  • The exporter shall declare the documents, date and time for export at the International Exit and Entry Checkpoints at least 1 day before exporting in order to ensure the accuracy of documents;
  • On the day of export goods, the exporter shall declare the inspection document certificate, list of animals and animal products to the entry checkpoint veterinary officer for recording the data into the database;  
  • The entry checkpoint veterinary officer inspect the documents and products, then issue the veterinary certificate. The exporter shall pay service fees and be authorized to move animals to customs inspection or relevant sector.  
Only for illustration
Source: https://www.globalmeatnews.com

3. Animals and Animal Products for transit permit

Any natural or legal person intending to transit animals and animal products through Lao PDR shall submit an application for transit (as stipulated in Appendix 3 of this Decision) to DLF at least 15 days prior to or on the day of entry into border checkpoint. Document required for Transit permit:

  • Copy of ID card or family registration book;
  • Copy of passport (In case of foreigner);
  • Letter of attorney;
  • Copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate.

Additional document required on the day of import goods

  • Animal Health Certificate from the Livestock and Veterinary Management Authority of origin country;
  • Copy of bill of Landing/Airway Bill (In case of port or airport);
  • Document certificate of origin country and destination country.

Click here to see more details of import, export, and transit of animals and animal products

For more information, please contact:

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Livestock and Fisheries
Phone: +856 21 215 242 /215 243 Fax: +856 21 215 141
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://dlf.maf.gov.la/?lang=lo


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