Pursuant to the report on the enterprise registration certificate come up with TIN from February 01 to April 25, 2019, business units registered the enterprise registration certificate come up with TIN at 110 points which installed enterprise registration central system. There are 768 business units registered at ERM; 1,418 business units registered at Office of Industry and Commerce of Provinces/Vientiane Capital; 2,098 business units registered at 91 Office of Industry and Commerce of Districts.

The old version of the enterprise registration certificate
Source: http://cna.com.la


In addition, there are training courses on installing and using the enterprise registration central system to the relevant registrar of the ERM, Office of Industry and Commerce of Provinces, Districts/Vientiane Capital throughout the country. The training aims to ensure understanding of the system, IT technical and registration services. The central system is developed from the enterprise registration system that has been used since 2008, which has improved some new technical features to be linked with TIN system from the finance sector.

The new version of the enterprise registration certificate


Currently, an entrepreneur is able to register and obtain the enterprise registration certificate come up with TIN at ERM, Office of Industry and Commerce of Provinces/91 Districts. In the near future, the enterprise registration central system will be installed and launched at remain districts throughout the country. Click here to see the provinces and districts which are installed the central system.

For more information, please contact the Enterprise Registration and Management Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce

At Phonexay Village, Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital

Phone: +856 21 412 011 Fax:  +856 21 453 865

Website: www.erm.gov.la

Source News: The report on the enterprise registration certificate come up with TIN from February 01 to April 25, 2019 of the Enterprise Registration and Management Department

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