(Unofficial translation)




Ministry of Industry and Commerce


      Vientiane Capital, date, 03 June 2019

on the Proclamation of Product Specific Rules HS 2017 by the amendment of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)


- Pursuant to the Decree on the Organization and Operation of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, No.230/PM, dated 24 July 2017;

- Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decree on the Origin of Import and Export, No.228/PM, dated 22 April 2010;   

- Pursuant to the Products Specific Regulations of the ASEAN Common Inventory 2017 (PSR HS 2017), issued on 7 July 2017;

- According to the Department of Import and Export.


The Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued the following decisions:

Article 1. Promulgation of Product Specific regulations according to the list of tariffs of ASEAN Uniform Goods 2017 (PSR HS 2017).

Article 2. The Department of Imports and Exports shall be responsible for instructing the implementation procedures that can be implemented effectively.

Article 3. This Decision is effective from 01 June 2019 onwards.


Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena

# Title Download
1 Decision on the Proclamation of Product Specific Rules HS 2017 in accordance with the amendment of ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) No. 0600/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 03 June 2019 PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ວ່າດ້ວຍການປະກາດໃຊ້ລະບຽບສະເພາະຜະລິດຕະພັນ ຕາມສາລະບານອັດຕາພາສີຂອງສິນຄ້າເອກະພາບອາຊຽນປີ 2017 (PSR HS 2017) ຕາມການປັບປຸງຂອງສັນຍາການຄ້າສິນຄ້າຂອງອາຊຽນ ຫຼື ATIGA ເລກທີ 0600/ອຄ.ກຂອ, ລົງວັນທີ 03 ມິຖຸນາ 2019 PDF
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