The Notification is an announcement for all individuals and farmers in the country who will use any type of pesticide in different purpose. There are some permitted and prohibited pesticides list. Therefore, this notification will be the most updated reference for more information, the order name is the Prohibited Pesticide Lists to import into Lao PDR. No. 1766 /DOA, dated 13 August 2019.

The list of permitted pesticides in Lao PDR includes 120 items, such as 13 herbicides, 51 pesticides, 50 plants bacteria pesticides, 2 types of rat pesticides, 3 types of bug pesticides and 1 type of snail pesticide.

The list of prohibited pesticides in Lao PDR has 55 items, including 27 insects and bug pesticides, 7 types of bacteria herbicides, 2 types of rat pesticides, 6 types of herbicides, 3 types of insecticides, and other nine types.

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