The government seeks the important of the chemical impacts by using fertilizers in any product. As a result of that, the government requires all fertilized companies to register the legal fertilise list. This registration aims to control and reduce harmful products to everyone and everything. The three companies are listed below:

1. Savannakhet Fertilizer Limited has registered 7 products: 21-7-18, 16-16-8, 27-9-14, 21-0-0, 24-9-14, 42-0-0 and 23-12- 12. The products will expire by 2020.

2. Maliny Agriculture Limited has one registered product: Organic Compound Fertilizer under the trade names 5 Star Maliny Organic Fertilizer and the trade brand is 5 Star Maliny Organic Fertilizer. Organic Fertilizer Registration can be used until 2020.

3. Laos Kai Yuan Mining Limited has registered two products: 0-0-60 (K2O ≥ 60%) capsules and 0-0-60 (K2O ≥ 60%) powder with the LAO KAIYUAN trademark, which can be used till 2020.

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