According to Law No. 46 / NA on 26 December 2013, the Notification No. 2121/DERM.MOIC on 14 October 2015 and Directive No. 1170 / DERM.MOIC on 5 September 2019. Therefore, DERM, Ministry of Industry and Commerce has issued notification No. 401/ DERM.MOIC on 11 October 2019 in order to call enterprises to explain why they did not abide by the rules.

This notification is urgently calling enterprises to contact the authorities no later than 5 December 2019. If an enterprise fails to make reasonable notice, the case will be fined according to the laws of each case. Failure to do so is in most cases not reporting within 90 days for a foreign owner, failure to report within 90 days for a foreign owner, and failure to report within 90 days without issuing a certificate to the Registrar of Companies. The details of all enterprises are as follows: Please click

Further information, please consult with DERM, MOIC at telephone number 021 412 011 or 021 453 494

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