Lao PDR has been imported more than exported for decades. This leads to having more expenditure on imports than revenue on exports. Due to the fact that Laos cannot produce some types of products such as heavy machinery, vehicles, fuel, electronics, and electrical equipment, communicating equipment and parts of communication and chemistry. Additionally, there are some types of products made in Laos in order to boost the macro-economics in Laos.  However, Lao products still cannot meet the domestic demands in terms of quantity and quality. As a result of that this leads to importing some goods, such as steel and steel products, cement, Agriculture products (products of animals, livestock, plants and veggies, and tropical fruits), sugar and electric cables.


The majority of imported agricultural were from neighbor countries (China, Thailand, and Vietnam), which sell in almost local markets. The main import veggies such as cabbage, chili, garlic, onion, mint, carrot, potato, and tomato. Also, main import tropical fruits such as mangoes, tamarind, papaya, dragon fruits, durians, and avocados.


Even though there are high demands of import goods, the imports can be reduced by active and strong cooperation and coordination from all sectors in order to implement and fulfill the expectations of the Prime Minister of Lao PDR.  In general, Laos has the potential to produce agriculture products because Laos is a tropical country where is full of nature, clean water, large land and agricultural tradition since the last generations. As a result of that, the Prime Minister (PM) seeks the crucial of agriculture products that Laos can produce in both quality and quantity. Therefore, the PM has assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to lead and implement relevant activities, which need to coordinate with other sectors together to solve the threats, review related laws, regulations, and policies in order to support and facilitate the implementations.

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