Relevant sectors discussed and determined overall policies in promoting domestic consumptions and managing import consumer goods-consumptions. Therefore, three task force units are assigned to boost the demand for Lao products and improve the quality and quantity of local goods. These are the rights and duties of the three task force units:


The first task force unit:

Discussing and identifying types of vegetables, fruits, and livestock that will support agricultural production for food and consumer goods in a completed cycling supply chain. The chain includes organisational production, plantation, collection, selection grades, packages, and stores. Furthermore, discussing and identifying daily consumer goods – consumption. In particular the goods of locally processed industries that have the potential to produce short term and medium-term production, as well as evaluate the needs of the domestic market in Vientiane.

Collecting, compiling and creating databases of agricultural units of farming, cooperative groups and service, entrepreneurs, business units, and agricultural consumption in each sector, including units of processing industries, including small-scale factories and processing plants. Consumers - can be used further to inform the development of a comprehensive operational plan and program.

Discussing and reviewing policies, legislation and promoting measures. These implementations can promote plantations, products, distribution channels, cooperative development, marketing development funds, coordinating mechanisms. Additionally, inspecting and controlling the quality of goods to meet the standard and issuing certificates for the goods which are quality and meet the standards.

Publishing legislation and regulations which can link and cooperate relevant sectors together such as a link to trade sectors, the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and production units, farms, farmers' groups, cooperatives, and processing. This is means that the merge will raise sufficient and sustainable markets to meet domestic demands. The Special Committee needs to provide guidelines for implementation in promoting productions and consumption of domestic products and monitoring consumption of consumer goods-consumptions. The Committee assigns rights and duties to promote the production and consumption of domestic products and to monitor the import of consumer goods.


The second task force unit:

Discussing and determining the list of goods or types of goods that need to be allowed to cross a border (a traditional or international border). In accordance with the Decree of Borders and the International Airport, No. 558 / NRD, dated 31 December 2018, a Technical Task Team will be conducted and assigned to implement this plan. The plan will do a random inspection, monitor and collection statistics of import consumer goods at traditional and international checkpoints, large and medium markets in Vientiane Capital.

Identifying measures to prevent the import of low-quality consumer goods that do not meet the standards of SPS and control the quality of goods that import through the border and ensure that goods are free of harmful contaminants. The Special Committee needs to provide guidelines and assigns rights and duties to this unit for implementation in promoting productions and consumption of domestic products and monitoring consumption of consumer goods-consumptions in the borders.


The third task force unit:

Developing plans and facilitation in each unit of the Special Committee. Developing budget plans for activities, promoting domestic productions and managing the import of consumer goods. The Unit is playing a central role in coordinating with stakeholders to promote domestic productions and managing the import of consumer goods in order to report the Special Committee. Reviewing policies, measures and collecting information on the producing domestic promotion and the managing import of consumer goods and related sectors.

Advertising and publishing measures, legislations and regulations on the promotion of domestic production and management of consumer goods. The Special Committee summarise progress reports on the promotion of domestic production and management of consumer goods. Furthermore, the Committee assigns rights and duties to promote the production and consumption of domestic products and to monitor the import of consumer goods in the responsible area of each unit.

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