Pursuant to the Implementation of Eight Measures to stimulate Economics, No 12 / PM, 23 August 2018 and the Decree No. 0075 / DIMEX, dated 13 January 2012 to the Regulation of Import and Distribution Vehicles in Lao PDR.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued a Notification No. 2467/ CO. DIMEX, dated 07 November 2019. The notice aims to call companies which import and sell vehicles in the following order No. 12 / PM, measures number 1 b (4), as the Ministry of Industry and Trade has been assigned to monitor and collect statistics of the company and sell vehicles that are not standard in service after the sale and quality of techniques.

This notice is urgently called companies that import and distribute vehicles to present their relevant documents to the Department of Import and Export, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce no later than 29 November 2019. If a company imports and distributes vehicles does not present their documents that they can be terminated the license and will not be eligible to import vehicles.


For more information, please click or contact the Import and Export Management Division, Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, tel: 021 412 008.

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