This condition aims to ensure that Laos exports safe sweet potato to China. Also, this is intended to ensure sanitary and hygiene measures for the ecological and industrial safety of China based on the results of the analysis, pest risk assessment that follow the standard of the World Trade Organization (WTO) / SPS. Therefore, Lao PDR has to meet the requirements to export sweet potato to China according to the terms and conditions of China.

The entrepreneurs or farmers who produce the sweet potato must provide relevant information into the system in order to monitor the processing and quality. The information that is needed, such as name, address, a record number of products and monitor the productivities to ensure effectiveness and safety that Laos must take precautionary measures to monitor pest and pest control.

In addition, exporters, processors entrepreneur and packaging factories must register with the Chinese side to ensure that they comply with plant hygiene requirements for monitoring, inspection, and quarantine. The Lao side must give details of the export and shipping to China.


More details of the condition agreement, please click (The English start from page 15)

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