Ministry of Post and Telecommunications                                                                                       

                                                                                 Department of Radio Frequency                                                                     0759/DRF

Vientiane, dated 02 July 2019



 on Radio Frequency Wave Certification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or Drone for Department of Post and Telecommunication of Provinces/Capital


  • Pursuant to the radio frequency wave Law No. 17 / NA, dated May 5, 2017.
  • Pursuant to the Edict of president on the fees and service charges No.oo3/OP, dated 26 December 2012.
  • Pursuant to the Decision of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on the Organization and Implementation of the Department of Frequency Wave, No. 1683/MPT, dated 05 April 2017;
  • Pursuant to the Decision on the unmanned Aerial Vehicle utilization, No 3374/MPT, dated 14 November 2017;
  • Pursuant to the MOU between Department of Frequency Wave and Department of Civil Aviation, dated 05 April 2019


Director General of Department of Radio Frequency issued the instruction:


  1. General provisions


  1.  Objectives

This instruction determines the basic principles, regulations and measures for the management of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle- UAV or (drone) to be uniform across the country in order to ensure the peace, national security and well-mannered in society and, also contribute to national protection and development.

  1.  Unmanned aircraft (drone)

Drone is a radio-frequency device that flies over the air and is unmanned, with controllers operating outside the aircraft, which the International Telecommunications Union (lTU) called the UAV) or commonly known as Drone.

  1. Management needs on drone

Because of drone is needed radio frequency device on flied control including receive-transmit, information, text, voice and images, if used without permission it might be create negative frequency wave or use drone for transport such weapon, danger chemical, drug, fire object and other danger that can be endanger lives and property, peace or privacy of other and national. Therefore, it must have control measure on drone in order to avoid problem occurs.

  1. Interpretation of Terms

The interpretations of terms of this Agreement are the following:

  1. Drone information means technical specification such as brand, model, engine number, weight, power transmission, frequency wave, install device and others.
  2. Serial Number means attached number with drone engine or battery.
  3. Weight means weight including battery and propellers
  4. Drone Install device means equipment list such as Flytrex, FPV system, Cases, Battery, Charging system, radio, control equipment, camera, record video and others.
  5. Maximum transmission force means receive-transmit frequency transmission wave from remote control to drone and drone to remote control as it can find on technical specification.
  6. A radio frequency wave means (MHz) of a frequency wave used for control receives-transmit data of drone as it can find on technical specification.


  1. Scope of use drone and radio frequency wave
  1. Importing and managing aviation safety standard

            Individuals, legal entities, or organizations, both domestic and international those who want to import drone as weight over 200 grams that there require to apply for permit license from the Department of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Public Works and Transport but before that there must be a frequency wave certificate of drone from Posts and Communications Sector.

  1. Certificate of a frequency wave of drone

            Individuals, legal entities, or organizations, both domestic and international those who want to import drone as weight over 200 grams that there require to apply for certificate of a frequency wave from the Department of Radio Frequency or Department of Posts and Communications provinces and capital.

  1.  Radio frequency wave

Drone weighing more than 200 grams must use a radio frequency wave and transmitter frequencies as follows:


Radio frequency wave


Maximum transmission force
mW (E.I.R.P)








  1. Types of drone

There are three types of UAV:

  1. Drone weighing less than 200 grams which are commonly used as toys;
  2. Drone weighing over 200 grams but not more than 2 kgs that used for taking photo, video, entertainment, sports and others;
  3. Drone weighing more than 2 kgs that used for report on traffic conditions, film record, television broadcasts and others.


  1. Submission of the  frequency wave certificate

            Individuals, legal entities local and international organizations that wish to use drone there must be submit the application to the Department of Posts and Communications at provinces and capital ask for frequency wave certificate.

            The require documents are as following:

  1. Request letter as provide by Department of Radio Frequency (attached annex 3)
  2. Copied ID
  3. Copied passport (For foreigner)
  4. Copied enterprise certificate, business license (for company/state owned enterprises)
  5. Technical specification of drone.


  1. Technical specification of drone

            Technical specification of drone must to apply for frequency wave certificate are as following follows:

  1. Aircraft brand and model for example:


  1. Serial No. of drone

       (an image)

  1. Weigh including battery and propellers

       (an image)

  1. Equipment list

       (an image)

  1. Maximum transmission force (mW)

       ( an image)

  1. A radio frequency wave

        (an image)

  1. Certificate of drone

To issue certificate of drone, the Department of Posts and Telecommunications at provinces, capital must use a Form as provided by the Department of Radio Frequency.

  1. Fees of frequency wave certificate and on using frequency wave
  1. Fees and charges to certify frequency wave

Frequency wave Certificate fees of drone is based on the Edict of president on the fees and service charges No.oo3/OP, dated 26 December 2012 in the Article 28, No 1 on Fees for the issuance of a telecommunication service permit as line No 9 of the Inspection and approval of telecommunication equipment standards at rate 50,000 Kips.

Frequency wave Certificate Service charges of drone is based on the Edict of president on the fees and service charges No.003/OP, dated 26 December 2012 in the Article 29, No 2.1 on Service charges for telecom technical services as line No 9 A of the Examination and approval of technical standard of telecommunication equipment at rate 100,000 Kips.







the Inspection and approval of telecommunication equipment standards of drone per time




the Examination and approval of technical standard of telecommunication equipment of drone per time





  1. The cost of use frequency wave

The cost of use frequency wave of drone there is no cost of use frequency wave this is because it using frequency wave 2400-2500 MHz and 5715-5875 MHz called ISM band.

  1. Prohibition
  1. General prohibition

Prohibit individuals, legal entities, and local and international organizations are behaving in the following:

  1. Importing, manufacturing, installing and distributing drone weighing in excess of 200 grams without permission;
  2. Interrupt the installation of the radio frequency wave equipment and the performance of the radio frequency wave officer;
  3. Any other conduct that is in violation of the laws and regulations.


  1. Implementation

             The Department of Posts and Telecommunications at provinces, capital to coordinate with the concerned agencies to implement this decision strictly.

  1. Report summary

            The Department of Posts and Telecommunications at provinces, capital shall collect the information on frequency wave of drone in details, summarize and report to the Department of Radio Frequency every 06 months regularly.

             Remark: This instruction to replaced instruction on import drone No 03080/DFW, dated 05 March 2018.  


Sign on behalf Director General,


 (Sealed and signatur









Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


Department of Civil Aviation-Department of Radio Frequency

On Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/UAV


Department of Civil Aviation (DCA)-Department of Radio Frequency (DRF) agreed:



Article 1: DCA and DRF will increase cooperation and control on import, utilize and

               implement UAV to consistent with the laws such civil aviation and frequency wave

               and the regulation on Safety Aviation as section 17 on Drone and International

               Civil Aviation Organization/ICAO.


Article 2: DCA shall responsible for safety standard aviation control by issuing certificate:

  • Air Operator Certificate
  • Certificate of Air Worthiness/CofA
  • Certificate of Registration/CofR
  • Certificate of UAV Controller
  • Operator and Activity Permit

To implement on aviation safety control:

  • To investigate an accident of UAV
  • Safety Assessment
  • Air Space Management


Article 3: DRF shall responsible for controlling frequency wave of UAV in according

                to the law on frequency wave and decision on the unmanned aircraft system

                utilization, No 3347/MPT, dated 14 November 2017;


Article 4: DCA and DRF shall coordinate, cooperate, train and seminar together in order to

              Increase on import control, utilize and implement aviation of UAV for safety comply 

              with the laws such civil aviation and frequency wave and the regulation on

              Safety Aviation as section 17 on Drone.


Article 5:DCA shall responsible for issuing import permit of UAV, based on the technical

             specification from DFW.

Article 6: This MOU shall become effective since the dated of signature.


Department of Civil Aviation                            Department of Radio Frequency

Vanhpheng Chanthaphone                                         Xaylixa Insisiengmai











            Vientiane Capital, dated……………………


Request letter for certificate of drone


      To: Director General of Department of Posts and Telecommunication at the


            Subject: Request letter for certificate of drone


Type of aircraft


o Weight below 200 grams to 2 kgs

o Weight over 2 kgs


Frequency wave (MHz)


o 2400-2500

o 5715-5875


                   Request for certificate of drone from the Department of Posts and Telecommunication at the Provinces/capital……………………………as detail below:


Section I Information authorities

  1. Individual


Age ……………………., Nationality………………………….Ethnic Group……………………..

ID Card No………………………………………………………………………………………..or

Passport No………………………………………………………….(For foreigner only)

Date of birth……………………………………………………………………………………………




Recent address………………………………………district………………………………………..


Road…………………………………………………..Phone No……………………………………



  1. Legal entity/enterprise


Name of entity/company……………………………………………………………………………..

Type of businesses or activities (provide detail) ………………………………………………….




Province……………………………..Post Code…………………..Phone No…………………….



  1. Government, state owned enterprise, organization or government unit


Organization name/state owned enterprise/organization/government unit…………………….



Province……………………………..Post Code…………………..Phone No…………………….


Duties /aims (provide detail) ………………………………………………………………………...



Section II Aims for using drone


o For relax, enjoy or sport activities

o For report news or report on traffic control (society)

o For taking picture, record or entertain or TV

o For research, development

o For other propose (provide detail)……………………………………………………………….



Section III Drone information


  1. Aircraft brand……………………………………….model…………………………………
  2. Serial No………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Weight-including battery and propellers…………………………………………………..
  4. Equipment list ……………………………………………………………………………….
  5. Maximum transmission force………………………………………………..mW (E.I.R.P)
  6. Radio frequency wave………………………………………………………..(MHz)


I hereby, to certified those above information and documentation are trustworthy.


                                                                       Sign name…………………………………




                                                                            entity/company name


Attached document

  1. ID card No of requester
  2. Passport (for foreigner)
  3. Copied enterprise certificate and business license
  4. Drone information (Technical specification)















Department of Posts and Telecommunications                                   ……………..

Province……………., dated ………………….


Certificate of Frequency Wave for Drone


  • Pursuant to the frequency wave Law No. 17 / NA, dated May 5, 2017.
  • Pursuant to the Decision of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on the Organization and Implementation of the Department of Posts and Telecommunications at  the province……………….., No………../MPT, dated ……………..;
  • Pursuant to the Decision on the unmanned aircraft system utilization, No 3374/MPT, dated 14 November 2017;
  • Pursuant to the request letter from…………………..No………….dated………………..



Department of PT at the province………………

Certified the certificate of frequency wave for drone to:

………………………………………as detail following:


  1. At village ………….……...District……………………., Province……..………………    Phone No………………
  2. Drone brand………………………, Model…………………., Engine No……………..

Weight………………..g, amount…………..unit.

  1. Frequency wave use 2400-2483 MHz or 5725-5875 MHz, MTF less than 100 mW;
  2. Equipment list with drone………………………………………….;
  3. Aims: taking picture, recording or entertaining and TV or ……………………….
  4. Location use:…………………………………………………………………………..


Director General of Department

Posts and Telecommunications

at the province………………..







# Title Download
1 ບົດແນະນໍາ ວ່າດ້ວຍການຢັ້ງຢືນ ຄື່ນຄວາມຖີ່ ສໍາລັບເຄື່ອງບີນບໍ່ມີຄົນຂັບ (Drone) ສໍາລັບພະແນກ ປທສ ແຂວງ/ນະຄອນຫຼວງ ເລກທີ 0759/ກຄຖ, ລົງວັນທີ 02 ກໍລະກົດ 2019. PDF
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