The Industry and Handicraft Department, Ministry of Industry and Commerce conducted a complete factory inventory collection at the end of 2016. There were 13,148 factories in 18 provinces and the total investment is approximately LAK 18,549 billion. The statistics based on the total number of factories in the Lao PDR, types of production, domestic and foreign investment, and the export of industrial products. The report showed that there were 7,571 factories of food productions, 1,315 factories of non-metallurgical products, and 813 factories of beverage productions. In addition, there were 354 factories with foreign investments, 2,115 factories of joint ventures and 10,679 factories of Lao owners and comparing export value between Laos and other Asian countries.

In comparing to ASEAN’s industrial exports, Laos is the smallest export country in Asia such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. However, the value of exports of Laos has been increased every year, for example, in 2010 the exports achieved US$ 1,425 million and in 2016, the value raised to US$ 2,277 million.

There were 35 main export industry types in 2016. The exports worth US$ 4,236 million and included the highest export value at US$ 1,033 million of electricity and gas, with mining worth US$ 731 million and food production US$ 483 million.

Additionally, the manufacturing industry is slightly grown. The National Survey of Manufacturing Establishment collected the production value of industrial plants was approximately LAK 26,000 billion (Gross Output) which could generate Value Added (VA) at about to LAK15,000 billion. The VA included the value of beverages at LAK 3,281 billion and non-mineral products at LAK 3,135 billion.

The total labor force was 118,585 (72,676 men) and the manufacturing workers were 77,288 (42,519 men). The highest employment rate was the garment industry which had 26,054 labors with a calculation of salary was approximate LAK 316 billion and other welfare LAK 15 billion. Furthermore, the productions of food had 34,488 labors with a calculation of salary LAK148 billion and other welfare LAK 2 billion.


Please click on Lao PDR's Industrial Development Report 2017

Source: Department of Industry and Handicrafts, Ministry of Industry and Commerce







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