The Decree on Managing Land Vehicles, No. 470 / GOL, dated 27 December 2019 is intended to create principles, regulations, and measures for managing and monitoring vehicle business in the Lao PDR. This management will lead to a systematic manner that will provide benefit to the Government, private sectors and consumers. This decree will apply to individuals, legal entities, both domestic and foreign who have the purpose of conducting vehicle business.

There are three types of land vehicle business:

1. Import and export land vehicle business is the business of importing land vehicles for a purpose to wholesale, exporting to the next country, being a representative agency of manufacturers and assembling land vehicle parts for internal and external use. The license application for import and export land vehicle business as details below:

1) Business license application;

2) A document authorizing to import land vehicles from the Head of the office or a branch which has the right to act.

3) Enterprise registration;

4) Verified letter of Business License which issued by the enterprise registration authority.

The registered capital of the enterprise is LAK 4 billion for two or three-wheel vehicles and LAK 50 billion for four-wheel vehicles.

2. Land Vehicle Business for selling is a business that deals with wholesales, retails, new and/or used motor vehicles that can be sold on behalf of one or more brands of vehicles that brands cannot be imported and exported by individuals. The application for a business that shall be subject to the following rules of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce:

             1) Business license application;

             2) A permit to construct a motor showroom;

            3) Enterprise registration;

           4) Verified letter of Business License which issued by the enterprise registration authority.

3. Manufacturing Business and/or business of assembling vehicles is the business of manufacturing or assembling vehicle parts that can manufacture, import or purchase from domestic manufacturers. The purpose of this business is for supplying a complete motor vehicle and sell for domestic or export.


Manufacturers and / or vehicle manufacturers must have an annual plan of action with the approval of the Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.


Detail of the Decree on Managing Land Vehicles, No. 470 / GOL, dated 27 December 2019




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