Recently, there are LAK 50,000 banknotes fraud by copying the banknotes into a color printing of A4 papers and distributed in a market. Therefore, the Bank of Lao PDR is warning to everyone around the nation to be aware more carefully to the fake banknotes. In addition, everyone must inform the relevant departments if there is any case of the fake banknotes distribution in a place or by an individual. These are 4 simple points to inspect a banknote as details below: 

Point 1. The Banknotes are made by 100% cotton, which will be coarse and waterproof. The Fake Banknotes will be more slick paper and watery;

Point 2. The Banknotes can be sensed by fingers into these points: The National Slogans, the image of President Kaysone Phomevihan where is located in the front banknote, Lao number of ໕໐໐໐໐ where is located in the left bottom of the banknote. The Fake Banknotes will not be sense or seen as the above mention;

Point 3. The Banknote can be seen through the silver mark of President Kaysone Phomevihan where is in front and back of the note when exposed to light. The Fake Banknotes can be seen as nothing appears such as watermarks.

Point 4. Using a purple machine: The Banknotes will appear light on the Lao number ໕໐໐໐໐, the country seal and Thatluang Stupa image. The Fake Banknotes will appear nothing. 

For more information or consultation regarding the fake banknotes, please contact the Currency Department (Tel: 021 213 119) or contact all branches of the Bank of the Lao PDR (Web site: and all types of banks nearby.

Please click for more details of the Notice of the Bank of Lao PDR on the LAK Fake Banknotes of the note 50,000, No 45/CO.BOL on 17 February 2020.

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