The Import Customs Declaration has 4 main steps:

Step 1. Shipping notification: A taxpayer, a truck driver or an airport clearance officer must present the shipping notification in 24 hours after the goods have arrived in regard to Article 19 of the Customs Law.

Step 2. Submitting documents: The taxpayer must submit relevant documents online by accessing the ASYCUDA system that can be used a computer at the checkpoint or their own computers. The tax declaration documents must be invoices, packing lists, shipping invoices (if applicable), temporary goods bill (if applicable), and certificates of origin (in case of tariff privileges).

Step 3. Customs Officer's inspection: After the taxpayer has filed step 2&3 into the ASYCUDA system, a Customs Officer must verify the register without waiting for the original documents be arrived at the borders. Due to the fact that the ASYCUDA system will take time to analyze the risk of goods which need to identify the risk level such as green, yellow or red levels.  After that, submitting the documents to a Customs Officer to inspect the risk again.

Step 4. Exit Control: after the Director or Deputy Director of Customs has approved the declaration, the taxpayer must submit all the documents to the Customs Clearance Officer. The Officer will allow to carry out the cargo loading and export from the warehouse or a customs border office by using ASYCUDA system. In the final step, the Customs Officers will verify that the goods have been properly released from the warehouse or customs.

The Export Customs Declaration is similar steps as the import declaration, it has 3 main steps:

Step 1 In submitting export documents that is the same process as in importing. The requested attachment such invoices, packing list and invoices and origin of certificates (if applicable).

Step 2: Inspecting and controlling by Customs Officer such as verifying registration customs certificates, inspecting information, documents and goods (classified into three levels of risk: green, yellow and red).

Step 3 Releasing goods that must be followed strictly and accurately with the steps outlined in the export statement. If the entrepreneurs, Customs Officers or Border Officers do not follow the prescribed procedure, the legal will be in charge.


For more details of the Instruction on Electronic Customs Declaration, No 00097 / CD on 06 January 2017





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