(Unofficial translation)



Ministry of Industry and Commerce

No. 1283/DIMEX

Department of Import and Export

Vientiane Capital, dated 31 March 2020




          To: Importers and distributors of vehicles around the country,

          Subject: Issuance of import licenses for vehicles that use electric energy.

  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Prime Minister’s Office No. 383/PMO, dated 18 March 2020.
  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Public Works and Transport No. 07380/MPWT.CO, dated 30 March 2020.


The Department of Import and Export (DIMEX) is pleased to inform you that the Department of Transportation, Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) is ready to issue technical licenses for the import and registration of Electronic Vehicle (EV). Therefore, the Department of Import and Export will start issuing import licenses for re-used vehicles from the date of issuance of this notification onwards and cancel Notification No.0983/DIMEX, dated 28 February 2020.

          Please be informed accordingly.

Director General

Souliyon Philavong



For more information, please contact

Division of import and export service

  • 021 412008
# Title Download
1 Notification on the import of electric vehicles, No. 1283/DIMEX.IMEXDiv, dated 31 March 2020 PDF
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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Import License Requirement - Electric Vehicles Licensing Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce Imports of such products must be permitted by the department of import and export (ministry of industry and commerce) and conform to regulations as set by the ministry of public work and transportation Notification on the import of electric vehicles, No. 1283/DIMEX.IMEXDiv, dated 31 March 2020 9999-12-31 ALL
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