Section I - Standard Mark

Article 1. Standards mark is determined…
Article 2. This standards mark is used…
Article 3. Standard mark consists…
Article 4. The Government organizations, community, private…
Article 5. Organizations and an individual are applying…
Article 6. In case, applicant for the permission…

Section II - Permission on the Use of Standard Mark

Article 7. To obtain a permission for…
Article 8. Procedures for permission…
Article 9. The applicant for getting…

Section III - Using of Standard Mark

Article 10. A license holder for the use of standard mark…
Article 11. Use of standard mark shall display numbering…
Article 12. Prohibit an organization or any person…
Article 13. A license holder has the right…
Article 14. If a license holder has…
Article 15. A license for use standard mark has expired…
Article 16. A license holder for the use…
Article 17. In case changed or extended…

Section IV - Awards and Measures against Offenders on Standard Mark Certification

Article 18. Individual who have…
Article 19. Measures against offenders…
Article 20. Standards management body has…

Section V - Implementation

Article 21. The Science Technology and Environment Agency assigned...
Article 22. This regulation is changed regulation…

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independent Democracy Unity Prosperity

Prime Minister’s Office
Science Technology and Environment Agency   No.1718/STEA-PMO
Vientiane Capital, dated 07/08/2006

on the Use of Standard Mark for Lao Product and Goods

  • Based on Prime Minister’s Decree No. 85/PM, date 02 November 1995 on Management of Products and Goods.
  • Based on the need of the use standards mark to identify that a product and goods or any service has been inspected quality and met standard.
  • Based on necessary to revise some articles of the regulation for standard mark of products and goods No. 1035/STEA-PMO, dated 11/06/2002 was no longer suitable at present situation.

President of the Science Technology and Environment Agency issued a regulation:

Section I
Standard Mark

Article 1. Standards mark is determined to certify a quality of product and goods that met standard and in order to encourage the product and goods having high quality and to ensure the benefit of the Manufacturer and Consumer. Top

Article 2. This standards mark is used for product and goods which are have been specified national standard and are consist of mandatory standards and voluntary standards.

  1. Mandatory standards are specified criteria that relating to security, safety, hygiene, health and environment or standard for product and goods under the Government’s strategies determined at each period.
  2. A voluntary standard is a standard determined criteria and formulated by manufacturer in order to ensure a quality of the product and goods through advisory and recognize by the standards management body. Top

Article 3. Standard mark consists of 2 types as: Voluntary standard mark and mandatory standard mark.

  1. Voluntary standard mark is a standard mark in a form of triangle, and it has angle 60’c, in the centre of triangle has a full size of letter “ລ”. Be hide of “ລ” has equally thickness of each side or equivalent 1/12 of one side length of the triangle. Bottom of letter “ລ” assembly to triangle which it has angle 30’c close to another side of triangle.
  2. Mandatory standards mark is the same as voluntary standards mark which has round circus cover the triangle and distance between round circus and from apex of triangle is equivalent to thickness of “ລ”. Top

Article 4. The Government organizations, community, private (hereafter call organization) and an individual are producing goods which its product and goods have been determined standard have intention to use standard mark to attach with their own product and goods to apply for the permission on the use standard mark from the Science Technology and Environment Agency (here after call standards management body). Top

Article 5. Organizations and an individual are applying for the permission on the use standards mark shall confirm that their own standard for product and goods are conform to standards which the standards management body has been endorsed. Top

Article 6. In case, applicant for the permission on the use standards mark has many factories which producing the same type goods and using the same trade mark has the right to apply for the permission on the use common standards mark or applies to use standards mark for product which are producing from some factories or possible for each factory. Top

Section II
Permission on the Use of Standard Mark

Article 7. To obtain a permission for the use of standard  mark to attaché with product and goods, producer shall apply an application for a permission on the use of standards mark which it consist of an information and documents (accordance to the form of the standards management body) determined as below:

  1. Sample of product and goods 1set with packaging,
  2. Production plan(brief),
  3. List of materials used for production,
  4. Tools and methods used for testing the quality of product and goods,
  5. Reference documents (Business license, certificate of trade mark registration). Top

Article 8. Procedures for permission on the use of standard mark:

  1. After examination of evident and documents found that are complies with, the standards management body shall dispatch a technical team to inspect on factory site for assessment of product quality management and standards management body will take those samples to retest.
  2. In case, product and goods are not yet meet standard which specified by standards management body will give recommendation for an improving to criteria of specified standard, after  an improvement, a technical team will re-inspect, if found that are met standard, standards management body will issue a certificate for permission on the use of standard mark to applicant.
  3. Monitoring and inspecting of factory, standards management body will separately determine, after an inspection, a technical team will bring the information data to study and keep those information confidentially and inform to owner factory for accepting and take action for an improvement. Top

Article 9. The applicant for getting the permission on the use of standard mark shall pay fee and services are the following:

  1. An application form 1 set                   5,000 kip
  2. Fee                                                 30,000 kip
  3. Quality testing refer to the actual cost of relevant testing laboratory
  4. Quality services fee                           600,000 kip for one permission. Top

Section III
Using of Standard Mark

Article 10. A license holder for the use of standard mark shall make standard mark by own self by which it to conform with standard mark specified by standards management body and which it no limited the size and color (mark). Top

Article 11. Use of standard mark shall display numbering of standard and license for use of standard mark lower or beside of standard mark and to clearly and preciously letter at:

  1. Product or at trade mark;
  2. Packaging, covering and receptacles, in case could not declare mark at a product or at trade mark, if those products produced from two location ( two factories) used the same trade mark shall indicate name and address of production factory or can use the code replace the name and address of that factory.
  3. In case a product is packaging, covering and receptacles shall declare letter at lower standard mark to display specific for those product only. Top

Article 12. Prohibit an organization or any person use standard mark with own product and goods unless authorized by license from standards management body. Top

Article 13. A license holder has the right use standard mark for specific product or goods which the standards management body has granted within 3 years from the date granting a license on the use standard, after a license inspired can be extended a license based on consideration of the standards management body follow up the conditions prescribed in this regulation and relevant legislation. Top

Article 14. If a license holder has intention to undertake business with new standard or modifying of old standard shall apply for a license with standards management body but during the consideration time, an applicant shall undertake present business unless the standards management body issues a license for use standard mark. Top

Article 15. A license for use standard mark has expired when:

  1. A license holder terminate a business,
  2. A license holder apply for withdrawing for the use standard mark with its product and goods,
  3. In case, notification on revision, abolish old standard or formulate new standard for product and goods,
  4. In case inspection found that product and goods failed to a quality and not comply with specified standard. Top

Article 16. A license holder for the use of standard mark, when abolish a business shall inform to standards management body within 30 days before or after abolish business. Top

Article 17. In case changed or extended business to another location, a license holder shall inform to standards management body to inspect and if found that it meet conditions specifies in this regulation so will grant a license for the use of national standard mark.

In case having transfer a license for the use of standard mark a person who has granted a license shall inform to standards management body before proceeding. Top

Section IV
Awards and Measures against Offenders on Standard Mark Certification

Article 18. Individual who have made achievement, observed and reported to the management bodies at different level on violation of this regulation and other regulation relating to standards and quality of product and goods will be entitled to awards in accordance with the determination of the Science Technology and Environment Agency and other relevant sectors. Top

Article 19. Measures against offenders on the use of standard mark:

Individual or organization who is producing, selling and distributing product and goods have intentionally made fake  and use standard mark without authorization from standards management body or it not complied with specified standard shall be warned, penalized 500,000 kip and shall be subject to relevant legal sanction. Top

Article 20. Standards management body has the right to revoke a (license) on the use of standard mark if found that:

  1. Has  amended or transferred to another person used a certificate for standard mark without authorization from standards management body,
  2. Has used a standard mark with product and goods which are not conform to specified standard,
  3. Has used a standard mark with product and goods which are no indicating name of the producer or no trade mark. Top

Section V

Article 21. The Science Technology and Environment Agency assigned Department of Intellectual Property, Standardization and Metrology to drastically implement this regulation. Top

Article 22. This regulation is changed regulation No: 1035/STEA-PMO, date 11/06/2002 and this regulation is valid from the date of signature. All rules and regulations regarding which were published previously which conflict with this regulation are hereby canceled. Top

Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office
President of National Authority for Science and Technology

Professor Dr. Bountiam PHITSAMAY


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1 Regulation on the Use of Standard Mark for Lao Product and Goods No.1718/STEA-PMO, dated 07/08/2006 PDF
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