In 2019, by comparing exports under the GSP and FTA that reached the value of GSP for US$ 327.92 million. In addition, the value of export is high and reached US$ 1,000.59 million or up to 75.32% of the total. The majority of the GSP of export were ship to Europeans.

The Exports under the FTA is performed better than export by CO, due to the fact that Laos export potentials by FTA is high and cover various sectors such as ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) or Form D, the trade agreement of ASEAN-China (Form E), the trade agreement of ASEAN-India (Form AI), the trade agreement of ASEAN-South Korea (Form AK),  the trade agreement of ASEAN-Japan (Form AJ) and the trade agreement of ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand (Form AANZ).

In 2019, Lao PDR export under CO to 38 countries such as: Thailand, China, Vietnam, Germany, Italy, Japan, England, Sweden, Poland, Belgium (Belgium), the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, Greece and the Philippines. The highest trade was Thailand US$ 361.74 million, China US$ 322.77 million and Vietnam US$ 312.78 million.

In addition, Lao PDR import under CO to 33 countries such as: Thailand, China, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, UK, USA, United Arab Emirates, Korea, India, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Austria (which are based on import tariffs). The highest trade was Thailand US$ 380.87 million, China US$ 98.96 million and Vietnam US$ 86.65 million.

These statistics are based on the CO data which were collected by the CO Authority Officers. This is means the statistics are not yet cover trade value in the countries destination. It is also noted that exports under the Free Trade Agreement are mainly agricultural products and non-timber forest products, which are exported under the Wholly Obtained. This means that Lao PDR's entrepreneurs have not yet been able to contribute to the regional supply chain, as it has in the modernization of the Party-Government's approach to industrialization and modernization.

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