Unofficial translation


Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity



Ministry of Science and Technology

Permanent Secretariat Office

No. 911/MOST

Vientiane capital, dated 26 May 2020




            To: Individuals, legal entities, organizations, companies, hotel and shops

            Subject:  Login, name transfer to the website


  • Pursuant to the Law on Radio Frequency Wave No. 17/NA, dated 05 May 2017.
  • Pursuant to the Presidential Decree on Fees and Charges No. 003/OP, dated 26 December 2012.
  • Pursuant to the Decision of the Minister of Post and Telecommunications on the organization and operation of the Permanent Secretariat Office No. 654 /MoPT, dated 28 March 2016. 


Currently, it is considered that the importation and use of Pony communication system of individuals, legal entities, organizations, companies, hotels and shops is not allowed to use in accordance with the law.

Therefore, in order to make the management of the use of Pony communication system comply with the laws on radio frequency wave and related regulations. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued the notification as following:

  1. Importation  

            Individuals, legal entities, organizations, companies, hotels and shops that want to import Pony communication equipment must get permission from the Department of Radio Frequency Wave (Ministry of Post and Telecommunication) or the Provincial / Capital Department of Post and Telecommunications.

            For the repeater, permission must be only obtained from the Department of Radio Frequency Wave (Ministry of Post and Telecommunication).

  1. Registration uses Pony communication device.
  1. Using Pony Simplex communication device. (Using single frequency wave for communication)
  • Or to renew the license to use Pony Simplex communication device must obtain permission from the Department of Post and Telecommunication of the province/ capital.
  1. The use of Pony duplex communication device. (Use of two-frequency wave for communication)
  • Or to renew the license to use Pony duplex communication equipment must obtain permission from the Department of Radio Frequency Wave (Ministry of Post and Telecommunication). For the next year license renewal can contactepartment of Post and Telecommunication of the province/ capital.


III. Documentation for import license and registration for the use of Pony communication system.

Application for import license or application for registration to use or application for a renew license to use Pony communication system (from the party applying for the license) 01 copy;A copy of the enterprise registration and a copy of the tax certificate, if any 01 copy;Business license for company/state enterprise, if any    01 copy;A copy of ID card      01 copy;Technical documentation of Pony communication device 1 copy;Technical form from the Department of Radio Frequency Wave or the Department of Post and Telecommunication of the province/ capital.


IV. ImplementationCoordinate with government organizations and relevant parties to disseminate this notice to all sector, from the central to the local level to nationwide;Coordinate with government agencies and relevant parties in strictly inspecting and implementing this notification;For Pony communications system that are not registered must hurry to get registered at the Department of Radio Frequency Wave (Ministry of Post and Telecommunication) or the Department of Post and Telecommunication of the province/capital within 30 working days from the date of signature notification onwards, then if the inspection finds any  Pony communication equipment imported or used without permission, it will be adjusted in accordance with the Law on Radio Frequency Wave Article 73 and other relevant laws.


V. Cancellation the previous NotificationCancel the Notification on the Import, Distribution and Use of Radio Frequency Devices No. 1229/MoPT.PSO, dated 13 August 2013;Cancellation of the Notification on the registration of use or renewal of the license for the use of Pony Communication System, No. 230 / MoPT.PSO, dated 01 February 2016.


Acting Head of Permanent

Secretariat Office




# Title Download
1 Notification on import and register for Pony communication channel, NO.911/MPT.CO, dated 26 May 2020. PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ກ່ຽວກັບ ການນໍາເຂົ້າ, ການຂື້ນທະບຽນນໍາໃຊ້ອຸປະກອນສື່ສານລະບົບໂຟນີ, ເລກທີ 911/ປທສ.ຫກ, ລົງວັນທີ 26 ພຶດສະພາ 2020. PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to obtain import permit - Pony equipment Permit Requirement Ministry of Technology and Communications Individual, Legal entity, organisation, enterprise, hotel and all stores which aim to import Pony equipment shall be obtained the import permit from Telecom Department, Ministry of Technology and Telecommunications or Provincial Technology and Telecom Department Notification on import and register for Pony communication channel, NO.911/MPT.CO, dated 26 May 2020. 9999-12-31 ALL
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