The E-signatures is defined as letters, symbols, numbers, sounds or anything which are created by the electronic form in order to indicate and verify the identity of the signer and the accuracy of the given information. There are two levels of electronic signature certificates providers:

The National Root Certificate Authority is a Unit that is authorized by the Lao National Internet Center (LANIC) that provides electronic signature certificates to the Sub–Certificate Authority.

The Sub – Certificate Authority is divided into 4categoriesPublic Certificate Authority, Government Certificate Authority, Foreigner Public Certificate and Private Certificate Authority.

In addition, e-signature certification services include Digital Certificate, Secure Sockets Layer, Time Stamp and other services as defined by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

An entity or organization that intends to conduct business for the e-signature that must apply for a license with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the National Root Certificate Authority.

Applicants must submit: (1) Application, (2) Manager resume, (3) Technical Officer resume and educational certificate, (4) copy of Enterprise license or establishing verification letter, (5) office certificate, (6) Economic Study technical plan, (7) Services Policies, (8) Bank Statement and other relevant documents.

Requirements for issuance of Public Certificate Authority such as A minimum registered capital of LAK 10 billion, is not in the period of liquidation, in bankruptcy or court proceedings as a failure of the laws of the Lao PDR and never be revoked or revoked by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications will consider in issuing licenses for the Public Certificate Authority within 45 business days of receiving the application, along with a complete and valid application. If the application is denied, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications shall provide written reasons to the applicant within 10 business days.

In addition, a different type of license has a different valid year. The Public Certificate Authority’s license valid years is a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years and is renewable. The Government Certificate Authority is 1 year to 3 years. The Foreigner Public Certificate is no more than 3 years. The Private Certificate Authority is allowed not more than 5 years.


Details of the Decision on Electronic Signatures, No. 1101/MPT, dated 29 May 2020.


Note: In Chapter 3, Issuers of General Electronic Signatures, Article 10, General Authorization for Electronic Signature Certification, Section 3: Biographies, Techniques and Certificate of Education can be asked for details with the relevant Department of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Communications.




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