The training of Certificate of Origin under Trade Preferential was held between 6-10 July 2020 at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in order to enhance capacity and understanding of the Officers who are from the Vientiane Special Economic Zone Management Committee and the Board Committee of Vientiane-Nonthong Industry and Commerce. The training was chaired by Ms. Manvone Vongxay, Deputy Director General of the Department of Import and Export with 15 trainees.

      The main purpose of the program is to enhance participants’ understanding and implementation of the CO under various treaties. Currently, there are 13 types of CO which are: A, DFTP, SPT, CO KOREA, S, APTA, D, E, AI, AK, AJ, AANZ and AHK. Currently, there are three types of the certificates of origin which are: the Manual, the Electronic Certificate of Origin Issuing System: e-CO and Self-Certification.

      In addition, the trainers provided further details on how to determine the conditions of origin under various trade agreements, procedures for issuing certificates of origin, issuance of certificates of origin under preferential, methods of collecting statistics, summarizing a company’s profile and relevant policies to the CO under trade preferential. Furthermore, there was an introduction of methods and procedures for inspecting the actual production process of factories/companies in applying for the Certificate of Origin.

      At the end of the training, the trainees were assigned to practice in issuing a CO in order to ensure that the trainees are fully understanding the theories and able to do by their own operation.


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