On Friday, 10 July 2020, the Department of Import and Export (DIMEX) and the International Implementation Unit (NIU) held a meeting at the 2nd floor meeting room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce on Friday, 10 July 2020. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Mouavixay Pelee, Deputy Director General of DIMEX with 20 participants and relevant departments which are: Department of Customs (DC), Department of Food and Drug (DFD), Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF) and Department of Planning and Cooperation (DPC). The meeting aims to discuss and exchange views on the roles and responsibilities in order to complete the implementation of each CF sub-project as plan.

The CF sub-project is part of the Lao PDR Competitiveness and Trade Project (LTC), which was implemented in December 2019 with budget US$ 1,800,000. There are 4 departments that have been approved for implementation which are DIMEX, DC, DFD, DOA, DLF and DPC, the details of each department as bellow:

1. Department of Customs, Ministry of Finance: There are 4 main targets to be implemented which are: (1) apply to the international standards of customs. (2) Improve custom declaration procedures. (3) Risk management and co-operation of relevant authorities at checkpoints. (4) Capacity building for Customs Officers.

2. Department of Food and Drug, Ministry of Health: There are 2 main targets which are: (1) Risk management and cooperation of the relevant sectors at each checkpoint. (2) Strengthening the ability to post-import inspections.

3. Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce: There are 3 main targets which are: (1) Reforming non-tariff measures. (2) Improving the current statistical collection system to connect with the ASYCUDA system in order to obtain accurate and consistent information in the systematic reporting to the E-STAT. (3) Improving the coordination mechanism of the Trade Facilitation Committees at the central and local levels in the implementation of the measures in order to follow the Trade Facilitation Agreement within the framework of the World Trade Organization.

4. Department of Agriculture and Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: There are 2 main targets which are: (1) implementing the risk management system in the inspection and quarantine of plants and animals at international checkpoints. (2) Strengthening the ability to post-import inspections.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Mouavixay Pelee has given a brief of the meeting that we should improve coordination to be a better implementation in order to complete and succeed CF’s sub-projects as efficiency and effectiveness.  In addition, the reports of meetings should be submitted directly to inform NIU, Trade Facilitation Committees and donors to be updated. Furthermore, the financial activities should be direct consult to NIU for more discussion and approval.

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