Pursuant to the Guidelines for recycling waste plastic plants, No. 0682/MOIC.DIH, dated 17 July 2020. An application for import permit for plastic waste shall be submitted to the Department of Industry and Handicrafts as details below:

1) Annual action plan;

2) Purchase order,

3) Invoice

4) Certificate of cleanliness of plastic waste from the authorities of the government or any relevant organization of the country of origin;

5) Photographs of plastic waste to be imported;

6) Authorization form for contacting documents;

7) Copy of enterprise registration;

8) Copy of factory environment certificate;

9) Copy of factory operation certificate;

10) Copy of tax, tax and other obligations.


Things to pay attention to plastic waste import certificate:

• Import of plastic waste materials to be imported through international checkpoints near factories;

• Consideration of issuing import certificates to the Department of Industry and Handicrafts for consideration in accordance with the annual import plan that has been approved on a case-by-case basis based on the actual production capacity of the factory;

• Import certificates are valid for 180 days from the date of certification. The import certificate can be renewed once but not more than 90 days.

• The operator of the plastic waste processing plant shall submit the import certificate to the customs officer at the international checkpoint to monitor and inspect the actual import.


For more details, please consult to the Department of Industry and Handicraft, Tel: +856 21 451 930

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