Article 1. To authorize the LNCCI…
Article 2. LNCCI shall implement uniformly the issuance…
Article 3. The issuance of the Certificate of Origin…
Article 4. The LNCCI is directly responsible for studying…
Article 5. To implement the principles of public administration…
Article 6. Prior to transferring this work…
Article 7. To mandate the Department of Import and Export…
Article 8. This Decision enters into force…

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Industry and Commerce No. 2387/MOIC.DIMEX
Vientiane Capital, dated 15 December 2011

Decision on
Authorizing the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) to issue and administrate the certificate of origin (CO) for goods/products under the preferential tariffs rates

  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 228/PM, dated 22 April 2010, on Rules of Origin for import and export;
  • Pursuant to the proposal from LNCCI, No. 0937/LNCCI, dated 17 August 2010; No. 1383/LNCCI, dated 24 December 2010; No. 1511/LNCCI, dated 31 May 2011;
  • With reference to the Report on the consultation meeting on the authorization of issuing and administrating the CO; the Exhibition to the LNNCI, Ref. No. 1196/CB.MOIC, dated 3 June 2011;
  • With reference to the study of relevant Departments.

The Minister of Industry and Commerce decides:

Article 1. To authorize the LNCCI to issue and administrate the Certificate of Origin on goods / products under the preferential tariffs rates from the date 01 July 2012, namely Form AK, Form CO Korea, Form E, Form SPT, Form AANZ and Form AJ.  As for others Forms, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is responsible to issue and administrate them in accordance with the rules and schemes of the countries providing the preferential tariffs rates. Top

Article 2. LNCCI shall implement uniformly the issuance and administration of the Certificate of Origin for goods / products in accordance with the Forms stipulated in Article 1 of this Decision from the central to provincial levels and Vientiane Capital. Top

Article 3. The issuance of the Certificate of Origin shall follow the rules and required conditions [criteria] to certify the eligibility of origin stipulated in Articles 7,8,9 and 10 of Decree No. 228/PM, dated 22 April 2010 and in accordance with the rules of origin stipulated under each agreement frameworks for each Form. Top

Article 4. The LNCCI is directly responsible for studying and issuing rules regulating this work in accordance with policy and rules [of origin] issued by those countries providing the preferential tariffs rates under each framework as well being responsible for issuing and monitoring implementation accordingly and strictly. Top

Article 5. To implement the principles of public administration, the LNCCI shall follow the principles of non-discrimination, transparency, fairness to all business exporting units, as well as collect fees and charges for services in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 03/PSD, dated 19 November 2008, in order to collect budget revenues and summarize [report] the implementation to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in each period (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually). Top

Article 6. Prior to transferring this work, the Import and Export Department shall coordinate with the Provincial Office of the Industry and Commerce, Vientiane Capital in order to inform the reasons for transferring the issuance and administration of CO, as stipulated in Article 1, to LNCCI as well as prepare and train the staff responsible for issuing and administrating the CO nationally to fully understand. Top

Article 7. To mandate the Department of Import and Export, the Provincial Office of Industry and Commerce, Vientiane Capital in collaboration with LNCCI and the Office of LNCCI at provinces and Vientiane Capital to implement the transfer of the issuance and administration of CO for completion in a timely fashion and also to inform relevant countries and parties [stakeholders] with regard to the transfer of this authorization. Top

Article 8. This Decision enters into force from the date of signature. Top

Minister of Industry and Commerce
[ signed and sealed ]


# Title Download
1 Decision on delegation of the right to issue and control the certificate of origin for the product types those are subject to GSP or similar special right to the lao national chamber of commerce and industry No. 2387/MOIC.DIMEX PDF
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