On 14 October 2020, at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s Conference, the Department of Imports and Exports (DIMEX) on behalf of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) organized a meeting to discuss issues of the implementation to the Order No.12/PM that related to the inspection of seal locks when exports timber and mineral products. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Souliyon Pilavong, Director General of the DIMEX with participants from the relevant sectors such as: the Prime Minister’s Office, Finance, Agriculture and Forestry, Public Works and Transport, Energy and Mining, Industry and Commerce, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Private Sector and relevant sectors.

The Meeting aims to extend further clarification and improvement with relevant ministries in regarding some barrios when implementing the PM's Order No.12/PM in facilitating import-export, temporary import, transit, and transfer goods in Lao PDR, dated 16 October 2019. Specifically, the implementations of relevant sectors that need to be unified mechanisms when inspect and monitor the export of timber and mineral products in order to facilitate, reduce unnecessary procedures, time, documents and duplicate costs.

Due to the fact that there were some incidents that have occurred in the wrong implementation by some importers such as hiding and stealing the wild timbers while exporting to other countries.  Therefore, the Prime Minister Office has issued an Order to the MOIC in regarding to solve these incidents by improving relevant content under Order 12/PM which states to the seal locks and unlock seal locks in order to prevent hiding and stealing timbers while exporting by some unfaithful entrepreneurs.

The meeting agreed that the issue would be thoroughly discussed under the technical level, with guidance from higher levels for the decision making.

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