On 03-04 December 2020 at Kaysone Phomvihane City, Savannakhet province. The Department of Import and Export (DIMEX), Ministry of Industry and Commerce, organized a training for “the Use of Electronic Origin Certification (e-CO), Self-Certification and e-Form D”. Mr. Phosysoy Kuthilath, Head of the Savannakhet Industry and Commerce Division with relevant public departments and private sectors.

The purpose of the training is to promote the use of certificates of origin to be concise and up-to-date with the technology, as well as the use of electronic certification system (e-CO), self-certification and self-promotion for e-D and e-Form. After complete the training, the actual implementation of using e-Co will be started on 01 January 2021 onwards and applied to public and private sectors around Savannakhet Province.

The training was divided into two session which was for public and private procedures. The public sector was trained on the process of e-CO system, approving and printing forms through the system. The private sectors was trained more in-depth of e-CO registration and access to the system, how to fill in each form, upload information on request form and monitor the movement of the form submitted by the applicants.

The DIMEX has started capacity building for the relevant departments in the use of electronic certification system (e-CO) and expects to be completed nationwide by 2021. In September 2020, a training course was started for the Vientiane-Nonthong Industrial and Commercial Zone that has been started in operation since 01 October 2020, and this November, a training course was organized for Champassak Province which has been started on 01 December 2020

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