Unofficial translation


 Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Post, Telecommunication

Ref. No. 2119/MPTC

Vientiane capital, dated 16 November 2020



on frequency wave inspection


  • Pursuant to the Law on Radio Frequency wave. No. 17/NA, dated 05 May 2017;
  • Pursuant to the Decree of the Prime Minister of Lao PDR on Posts and Telecommunications on the Organization and Implementation, No.22/MPT, dated 16 January 2017;

Minister has issued the Decision:


Chapter 1
General Provisions

Article 1. Objectives

This Decision determines the principles, regulations, measures, rights and duties for implement frequency wave inspection regards to promote and protect user of radio frequency wave compliance with the laws and regulations, aims to uses radio frequency wave, aims to serve the radio frequency wave to communicate effectively, efficiently and effectively contribute to national defense -security.


Article 2. A radio frequency wave inspection

A radio frequency wave inspection is the examination of radio frequency wave and the use of various types of radio frequencies.


Article 3. Interpretation of terms

Terms used in this Decision shall have the following meaning:

  1. The radio frequency staff refers to the government officers under Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is assigned to perform duties on a specific task;
  2. A radio frequency wave monitoring equipment refers to the equipment or vehicles used in the measurement, analysis and detection of radio frequency wave.
  3. Inspection target refers to individuals, entities, and domestic and international organizations utilizing a radio frequency wave and detection of radio frequency wave.


Article4. Scope of application

This Decision applies to all individuals, entities, and domestic and international organizations utilizing radio frequency wave in Lao PDR.


Chapter 2
A radio frequency wave monitoring

Article 5. Monitoring the use of radio frequency wave

To monitoring the use of radio frequency wave as following:

  1. Utilize of vehicle and equipment to examine radio frequency wave as fixed, mobile, portable and drone;
  2. Coordinate with line agencies for inspect or operate in a targeted area;
  3. Inspect any specific activities in according to the plan regularly and timely basis;
  4. Inspect directly radio frequency wave that are sensitive targets.


Article 6. Inspection content


The inspection content on the use of radio frequency wave as following:

  1. Using license of a radio frequency wave;
  2. Standards Certificate, import and install devices of a radio frequency wave;
  3. Drone Certificate of a radio frequency wave;
  4. All neighborhoods, bands and spaces of a radio frequency wave;
  5. Find the source of a radio frequency wave;
  6. Measure the technical data value of a radio frequency wave.


Article7. Inspection of radio frequency wave transmission safety standards


The inspection of radio frequency wave transmission safety standards is carried out as following:

  1. Examine the technical data of the radio frequency wave equipment
  2. Examine the radio frequency device code number;
  3. Examine the certification of technical standards;
  4. Examine measure the transmission technical data value of a radio frequency wave, the electric field strength, the magnetic field strength, the transmission voltage, the specific energy absorption ratio according to the specific regulations.

້ອຸດສາຫະກໍາ ເພື່ອວັດແທກປະລິມານວ

Chapter 3


Article 8. General prohibitions


Prohibited individuals, legal entities, and organizations are behaving as the following:


  1. Import, installation, use of radio frequency wave equipment, use foreign signal which is not in accordance with the laws and other regulations;
  2. Violence, oppression, coercion, and obstruction of the work of radio frequency wave inspectors;
  3. Provide assistance and protection to laws and regulations abusers on radio frequency wave;
  4. Intermediate, give and accept bribes for the benefits of inspection work on radio frequency wave;
  5. Any other behavior that violates the laws and regulations.


Article 9 Prohibitions for the target inspection

            Providers and users are prohibited from using radio frequency wave behaviors as the following:

  1. Use of radio frequencies is not in targeted;
  2. Improperly used radio frequency wave as specified in the permit license;
  3. Disclaimer providing information, evidence, related documents on use of radio frequency wave;
  4. Bribe inspection staff of radio frequency wave;
  5. Hide, destroy equipment of radio frequency wave as the evidence of inspection;
  6. Any other behavior that violates the laws and regulations.


Article 10. Prohibitions for the inspection officer

Prohibited inspectors are behaving as the following:

  1. Abuse of position, authority, and duty for personal gain;
  2. Give another person a card or document certifying the work of the radio frequency inspector;
  3. Bring the various types of radio frequency monitoring equipment under his/ her management for personal or other use;
  4. Bribery or negotiation with targets of inspection in various ways.
  5. Any other behavior that violates the laws and regulations.


Chapter 4

Rights and duties of radio frequency inspection and solution/correction of radio frequency Interference

Article 11 Rights and duties of radio frequency inspectors

The radio frequency inspectors have the rights and responsibilities as following:

  1. Inspect all radio frequency wave on a regular basis, in accordance with the proposals of the various parties and in accordance with the direction of the higher level;
  2. Investigate the source of interference signal and the distribution of radio frequencies wave of all stations;
  3. To manage, monitor and inspect the import, distribution, installation, manufacture and export of radio frequency wave equipment;
  4. Stop broadcasting radio frequency wave of all unauthorized stations;
  5. Order to temporarily stop the distribution of radio frequency wave of all stations in the area suspected of causing interference;
  6. Resolve interference radio frequencies in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Lao PDR;
  7. To monitor the license for the use of radio frequency wave equipment and the annually radio frequency wave;
  8. To monitor the import of temporary radio frequencies of all parties, both domestic and foreign;
  9. Coordinate with the Provincial, Capital, Post and Telecommunications Department and related parties to create conditions for facilitating the activities of radio frequency wave inspection;
  10. Seize radio frequencies equipment without a license or certificate of technical standards, import license, license to use radio frequencies equipment and license to use radio frequencies equipment from the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications;
  11. Management of seized and detained intermediaries to await the results of the consideration of the relevant higher authorities;
  12. Warn and apply measures against individuals, legal entities or organizations that violate laws and this decision;
  13. Check the technical information of the radio frequency wave equipment on the transmission, bandwidth and radio frequency before issuing the license;
  14. Examine and measure and certify the safety standards of the radio frequency transmission of the signal tower and the radio frequency wave equipment before and after use;
  15. To use other rights and duties in accordance with the direction of the higher level, the laws and regulations.

Article 12 Resolution of Interference Radio Frequency Wave


The radio frequency inspectors are in charge of finding and fixing the interfering radio frequency wave according to the requests of all parties and all cases that are detected in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.

To solve the problem of interfering radio frequency wave as following:

  1. The owner of a radio communication station suspected of causing a disturbance must cooperate with the radio frequency inspection staff;
  2. The licensee shall notify the inspection staff of the radio frequency band to inspect and correct in case of suspicion that it is disturbed;
  3. To consider and resolve radio frequency wave in each case that is considered to be important, with priority and complete conditions;
  4. To inspect and resolve urgent cases in the case of interference radio frequency wave that affect the safety of life;
  5. Temporary control of radio communication stations;
  6. Order to stop the use, uninstallation and seizure of all radio frequency wave equipment if it is found to be in violation of the laws and regulations;
  7. Make a record of each time the violator is found;


Chapter 5
Final Provision


Article 13. Implementation


            Assign Department of Frequency Wave, Ministry of Post, and Telecommunications to coordinate with the concerned agencies to implement this decision strictly.


Article 14. Effectiveness


            This decision shall enter into force from the date of signature and published in official gazette fifteen days.




[Seal and signature]


                                                                        Dr Thansamay Kommasith

# Title Download
1 Decision on the Radio Frequency Inspection, No. 2119/MPT, dated 16 November 2020 PDF
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