The Government has issued Decree on Groups and Cooperatives, No 606/ GOL, 26 Nov 2020, in promoting and developing products, services and business ventures, in order to promote the growth and sustain the economy for alleviating poverty and improving the living standards of the multi-ethnic Lao people.
Those who intend to form a group at any stage should submit the application and related documents at the district agriculture and forestry sector or the relevant department at the provincial level. If there is an office at the district level where the group will be located that should submit the following documents:
1. An application to form a group according to the form prescribed by the relevant authority
2. List of group members and resume of the board
3. Minutes of the group formation meeting
4. Group rules and policies
5. Organizational structure of the group
6. Group action plan.
Those who intend to establish a cooperative must submit applications and documents to the agriculture and forestry according to the following types of cooperatives:
1. Application for the establishment of cooperatives in the form prescribed by the relevant authorities
2. Cooperative Business plan
3. List of members with the signatures of each person, the number of shares and the registered capital of the cooperative
4. Certificate required by the cooperative's office
5. Rules of cooperatives.
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