The Lao PDR Government has issued the Decree on the joint Investment between Public and Private Sector No 624/GOL, 21 DEC 2020, in order to promote domestic and foreign investors in investing a joint venture with the government, especially, new construction projects, improving infrastructure projects or public, this including tourisms, agricultures, energies, mining and etc. There are 2 types of joint venture: 1. joint venture between public and private sectors; 2. Joint venture that the private sector is totally funding at the Government’s projects.

Joint venture between public and private sectors is financing combine state directly into development projects with the private sector based on the study of possible economic - technical basis agreed by the government or approved by the National Assembly or People's provinces as stipulated in the laws and regulations involved in the case. States will join the investment pattern set in the decree if the study of possible economic - techniques are effective, the uses of resources and natural program that features strategies based on agreements between the public and private sectors.

Joint venture that the private sector is totally funding at the Government’s projects is the private sector fully responsible for investing in the development of government projects based on the results of the project's economic-technical feasibility study on the basis of government approval or approval by the National Assembly or the National Assembly.

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