The Department of Customs encourages qualified and willing entrepreneurs to participate in the Authorized Economic Operations (AEO) Program or can be seen as a volunteer. This is a part of the program to increase cooperation between the tax administration and the business sector. The main objective is that to inquire information about companies. The requirement has divided into seven major sections and includes 26 sub-questions related to: Organizational structure and human resource management, legal and regulatory implementation, financial management, accounting management, IT usages, communications and trade security.


Pursuant to the Instruction for managing Authorized Economic Operations (AEO), No 1159/MOF, dated 18 April 2019 mention that the AEO member will have the right to:

1. Have the right to request the Customs Administration to inspect and approve the customs declaration documents before entering the goods within 7 days as stipulated in Article 29 of the Customs Law;

2. Have the right to request the Customs Administration to inspect the actual goods in their own warehouses in order to reduce the checking process at a border customs checkpoint;

3. Have the right to request the Customs Administration to priority their service if there is an urgent when out of business hours;

4. Have the right to request the Customs Administration to improve procedures, mechanisms and methods to facilitate trade in accordance with laws, domestic and international regulations.


The procedure for applying the AEO must provide:

1. Complete self-assessment in accordance with the form prescribed by the Department of Customs by Download or visit Department of Customs website:

2. Submit a letter to the Head of Customs to inform the intention of the company that is volunteer to apply to the AEO with the self-assessment and relevant documents.


Confidentially: All information which the AEO applicants provided will be confidential by the AEO.  If the AEO Member wishes to publish information that must be obtained permission from the Department of Customs.


For further information and inquiries for filling the form, please consult directly at the Customs Inquiry Review Division, Department of Customs during business hours or telephone call at:


            Department of Customs

            Post Clearance Audit Division

            AEO Program

            Tel: +856 021 454840

            Fax: +856 021 454841

            Email: [email protected]




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